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4 Tips for using the Luna Free Fire character

One of Free Fire's newest characters with extraordinary abilities is Luna. If you have a Luna character, it doesn't hurt to use it in your game.

Well, for those of you who don't know how to use Luna Chara, here we have put together some tips on how to use Luna Free Fire Chara. Want to know how to use it? Please read this article to the end!

Tips for using the Luna Free Fire character

If you don't have the Luna character yet, you can get it by topping up in the Top-Up Bonus Event valid from 29 October 2022 to 5 November 2022

Once you have the Luna Free Fire character, you can follow some tips with the following Luna Free Fire character.

1. Use a weapon with a high rate of fire

When using the Luna Free Fire character, you should use a weapon with a high rate of fire, such as an SMG weapon.

As we know, Luna's character has a skill called Fight or Flight, which allows Luna to increase her rate of fire by 2%.

Additionally, Luna's skill modifies the rate of fire the weapon has for additional movement speed. That way, it will be easier for Luna to move around to avoid the opponent's attacks.

2. Use Luna as a rusher

The next tip when using Luna's character is to make this character the in-game rusher.

Because of the skills that Luna possesses, this character is suitable for leading the team in attacking enemies.

3. Keep moving

The next tip when using Luna's character is to keep moving. The passive skills possessed by this character make Luna one of Free Fire's agile characters.

Then it will be easier for you to dodge attacks or attack your opponent.

4. Pair with the correct character

When using Luna's character, it must be combined with the appropriate character his skills.

You can use active skills that increase Luna's abilities.

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