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Tricks to Play Julian Mobile Legends, Auto Get SAVAGE!

Tips for playing Julian Mobile Legends need to be mastered for those of you who want to be good at playing the hero. Julian himself is a new hero released by Moonton on May 24, 2022 yesterday. Hero Fighter Mage is known to have high attack skills and damage.

As a Fighter hero, of course, Julian will be a versatile hero, both as an offline hero and a jungle. However, if we don't have good knowledge to master the hero, then his abilities will be in vain.

Well, for that, in this discussion, we will discuss tips for playing Julian Mobile Legends. Curious about what the tips are? Come on, let's see the full review below.

 Tips Main Julian Mobile Legends

1. Understand the Skill

Before you play using Julian, it would be better if you need to understand every skill that Julian has. Julian's skill is quite overpowered, so if you can't use it, it will be useless.

In general, Julian has two categories in his skills. That is, skills that are not strengthened, and skills that have been strengthened. To put it simply, these unenhanced skills were any Julian skills that were still not very strong. Meanwhile, the skills that are strengthened are every Julian skill that is stronger than before.

2. Julian's Main Skill

The second tip to play Julian Mobile Legends is that you have to know about Julian's main skills. Well, Julian's main skill that has the most damage is his 1st skill. So, you need to prioritize Julian's 1st skill first to be raised. So, its use can be more effective in the game.

After Julian's main skill is ready, then you can raise skill 3 first. And lastly, also increase his 2nd skill.

3. Combo Skill Julian

After you understand Julian's skills in Mobile Legends. It's also very mandatory that you know the combo skill from Julian so that it can be used to the maximum. The main skill combo that you need to use is 2-1-3. So, the skill combo focuses on the strengthened 1 Julian skill.

4. Take advantage of the Passive

The fourth Julian Mobile Legends tip is to use his passive. Julian himself has a passive skill in the form of a very high HP Regen. To maximize Julian's passive, you can use Mage items with high life steal abilities, such as Concentrated Energy and Oracle.

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