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Tricks to Get Epic Comeback in Mobile Legends

When in a state of defeat, most players usually prefer to give up even though the game is not over. That's actually something you should avoid when you're doing push rank in Mobile Legends.

Because there are many ways to reverse the situation so that it can produce an epic comeback. Well, on this occasion, we want to discuss some tips for achieving an epic comeback in Mobile Legends. Want to know what are the tips? Immediately read this article to the end.

Tricks to Get Epic Comeback in Mobile Legends

1. Focus on Survival

The first trick when you are in a losing state and want to achieve an epic comeback is to focus on your defense.

Take advantage of the High Ground heroes you have to defend the turret. That way, it will be difficult for the opponent to penetrate your team's defense.

2. Don't come forward alone

The next tip for achieving an epic comeback is not to just go forward alone when your opponent starts to loosen up their attacks. Especially if you use a Marksman hero or a Mage hero because your opponent might do a surprise attack and make your team's defense weaken.

Take advantage of roamer heroes or heroes who have thicker HP and high escape skills to pave the way for your team.

3. Wait for the Right Moment

When you are in a losing position, it is better for you to wait for the right moment before attacking your opponent.

Wait for one of the opposing heroes to make a blunder so you can make an epic comeback perfectly.

4. Do Split Push If You Can

The next tip for achieving an epic comeback is to do a split push if it is possible to do this strategy.

You can rely on fast split push turret heroes like Fanny, Helcurt, or even Masha. But if you feel you can't do a split push, it's better not to do that and focus on surviving with other team members.

5. Stay Compact

Staying compact is the key if you want to achieve the Epic Comeback in Mobile Legends. Don't let anyone make a blunder if you don't want the enemy to destroy your defense.

Well, those are some tips for achieving an epic comeback in Mobile Legends that you can apply in the game.

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