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Counter Melissa Mobile Legends Use These Heroes

Melissa is a Marksman hero who has unique abilities. This hero is able to attack the opponent with a voodoo doll that can increase his attack damage.

Melissa is also hard to beat because she has the Go Away skill! which can prevent the opponent from approaching him.

Even so, that doesn't mean Melissa is hard to beat. Well, on this occasion, we want to tell you some reliable heroes to counter Melissa Mobile Legends. Want to know who? Immediately read this article to the end.

Counter Melissa Mobile Legends Use These Heroes!

1. Kadita

The first hero you can count on to counter Melissa is Kadita. This Mage Hero has a great skill that can kill Melissa in one combo.

Supported by the use of the right Kadita build, then Melissa can be easily killed by him. If you don't have a Kadita hero yet, you can top up the Mobile Legends diamond first to get it.


One of the Marksman heroes who can be relied on to defeat Melissa is Wanwan. With Wanwan's agility, it would be difficult for Melissa to face her.

Wanwan also has the Crossbow of Tang skill which allows her to attack Melissa quickly and easily, even when Melissa uses the Go Away skill! hers.

3. Lylia

Lylia is the next best hero you can count on to counter Melissa. This hero has a unique ability where he can give Magic Damage and slow effects to his opponent.

With that ability, it's not surprising that Lylia is one of the Mage heroes suitable for use in the Gold Lane position.

4. Franco

The next hero that can be relied on to counter Melissa is Franco. Franco has a unique ability where he is able to attract opponents with his Iron Hook skill and restrain his movements with his Bloody Hunt skill.

With that ability, Franco can easily block Melissa's movement. But Franco still needs the help of his teammates in order to finish off Melissa.

5. Eudora

With Eudora's Burst Damage, Melissa can be easily wiped out by him in one combo. Especially with the use of the right Eudora build , it will increase Eudora's attack.

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