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This is an easy way to play the Domino Qiu Qiu game

The pandemic has changed everything, including gatherings with friends. It felt like a long time since we last saw each other, hung out together, and played domino qiu qiu. In fact, in the past we could meet every weekend.

Don’t worry, thanks to the skills of the game developers, now you can enjoy the fun of playing together through Domino Qiu Qiu game. You simply invite your friends to download the Domino Qiu Qiu game, learn the play guide here, and you are ready to play from anywhere.

If you play qiu qiu often, you should be able to understand domino qiu qiu online game easily. Come on, take a look at the full review below.

About Domino Qiu Qiu Game

domino qiu qiu online gameWhen you open the PlayStore, a lot Domino Qiu Qiu game available for download. This shows that Domino Qiu Qiu is still the favorite game of all time. In fact, even if you are not familiar with this game, you can follow and play it easily.

Departing from traditional card games, now qiu qiu has penetrated into online games so that it can be accessed by anyone as long as they have an internet connection. One that can be on your short list is TopFun’s Domino Qiu Qiu.

With the latest version 2.1.6, you need Android version 4.1 or higher to download this app. Carrying the multiplayer feature, you must invite at least one player to be able to play this game. This online qiu qiu game has a size of 81MB. It’s quite big, so make sure the memory smartphone you are adequate.

Adapting traditional games, this online game also applies similar rules. For example, using 28 cards of different values, must be played by two to six people per round, until the distribution of four cards per player. The use of bets is optional, but if you play online the money bet can be replaced chips.

Advantages of Domino Qiu Qiu Game

domino qiu qiu card gameLet’s see what are the advantages of this game compared to similar online qiu qiu games.

Can be played anytime and anywhere for free

Because it is an online game, you can play it anytime and anywhere as long as it is connected to the internet. Just invite friends to play together, it feels like gathering together like before. The difference is, this time without face to face.

Another good news, you can play this game for free. Domino Qiu Qiu Game You can download it for free on the PlayStore. Just one download, you can play qiu qiu for free forever through smartphones.

Lots events draw prizes

Although card games usually don’t implement a system achievements, This qiu qiu game made by TopFun offers a variety of events attractive prizes for users. You can follow all events and win attractive prizes, such as chips free or unlock special features.

User interface easy to use

First time playing qiu qiu games online? Don’t worry about confusion, this game brings user interface which is easy to understand and use. In addition, you can apply the Indonesian language settings for instructions and information.

Interactive messaging

so that good luck you are more exciting, you can send messages interactively while waiting for your turn to play. Not only sending text, but also using emoticons funny, expressive, and thick with local nuances.

How to play

how to play domino qiu qiu game

Now let’s explore how to play Domino Qiu Qiu game. Not much different how come with traditional qiu qiu games, only this time using online media as a game platform. Here’s how to play.

First understand the basic rules

This game has 28 cards with different values. There are two to six people who can play per round, each player will get four cards. The task of the player is to combine the cards into two pairs of values.

The winner is obtained from the player who has the highest total value combination. You can get that value by adding up the back numbers of the two cards. However, at the start of the round the player only gets three cards. To get a fourth card, players can bet on each other or raise bets.

Get to know the card series that you can get

Domino qiu qiu has seven series of cards, from series 0 to series 6. Then, there are four special cards that also act as cards jackpots, that is:

  • The six god card, the highest card in the form of a combination of four cards, each of which has six circles.
  • A four-balak card, a combination of four cards that have twin top and bottom circles.
  • A large pure card, which is a circle of four cards with a minimum of 39 circles.
  • A small pure card, namely a circle of four cards, a maximum of 9 circles.

How to count the game Domino Qiu Qiu

You can count cards by counting the number of circles on the cards on the right and left sides. Advantages of playing Domino Qiu Qiu game online, the card value is calculated automatically so you don’t have to worry about calculating it yourself. If the card values ​​of the players are the same, the winner is obtained from the number of logs owned.

Best Top Up Place

download game domino qiu qiu

Well, so you don’t bother to top up chips when you are fun playing, you have to know where the best top up is. There’s only one right place, namely UniPin. The method is easy, as shown below.

  1. Access the UniPin website Domino Qiu Qiu game here.
  2. Write your account ID, click the required amount.
  3. Click on the payment channel that is easiest for you to reach. UniPin provides flexibility in payments, such as credit cuts, bank transfers, e-wallet, credit cards, to minimarket outlets.
  4. Once the payment is complete, your account will be automatically filled.

How easy is it to play? Domino Qiu Qiu game TopFun output? Don’t forget to top up chips on UniPin yes. Chips full, playing domino qiu qiu online is guaranteed smooth. Have fun playing with your online friends!

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