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SPAS12 FF, the Painful Single Shot Gun in Free Fire

Defeating enemies quickly in a short time is the target of every Free Fire (FF) player. For that, players need weapons with damage tall. One of which is SPAS12 FF-type shotgun which can be used in melee attacks.

Shotgun SPAS12 was first released in 2022. This weapon has a spread attack type that can kill enemies quickly. However, fire rate weapons are low. Therefore, you must have your own strategy in using it.

About SPAS12 FF Senjata Weapons

top global spas 12 ff

SPAS12 is shotgun which has a high enough bullet capacity. Player can also use magazine additionally to increase ammo.

Specification magazine SPAS12 is 5 with fire rate 42. Meanwhile, damageit reached 97, range 15, as well as speed of 34. For the level of accuracy, SPAS12 reaches 10. If you are able to produce the right accuracy, damage guns are getting bigger.

Ability global top SPAS12 FF further enhanced when paired with the characters Caroline and Jota. Caroline has skills passive in the form of increasing speed when using shotgun. Because of that, Caroline is difficult to be targeted or shot by the enemy.

Meanwhile, Jota has a Sustained Raid that can increase 40 HP every time he kills an enemy. So, Jota doesn’t have to bother doing healing to add life.

Choice Skins Best SPAS12 FF

best skin spas 12 ff

Skins weapons are attributes that determine your victory in the battle arena. The reason is, the skin not only enhances the appearance, but also increases the power of the weapon.

Here are the options skin Best SPAS12 FF.

1. Urban Rager

The Urban Rager is available in black and brown. If you use Urban Rager, weapons get additional reload speed and fire rate. However, performance SPAS12 FF on skin this won’t change though range reduced.

If you are interested in using Urban Rager, provide a minimum of 35 diamonds. later, diamonds used to buy Urban Rager Weapon Loot Crate at the Armory Shop. When the Loot Crate opens, skin active for 1, 3, or 7 days. Besides that, skin can be enabled permanently randomly.

2. Santa’s Choice

Santa’s Choice is skin which is synonymous with red and typical Christmas items. To get it, you have to prepare 60 diamonds. Amount diamonds can unlock Loot Crate for 1, 3, and 7 days. Player also have the opportunity to use permanent Loot Crate randomly.

3. Winterlands

The feel of a Christmas celebration that is dominated by fir trees and snow is the hallmark of Winterlands. for color, skin it’s filled with a mix of red, blue, and white.

Regarding performance, skin able to add fire rate up to two points. Besides that, skin can increase the speed of the weapon. However, weapon accuracy decreases when using skin this.

Winterlands can be obtained from the Armory Shop by paying 60 diamonds. Usage duration skin this lasts for 1, 3, or 7 days. In addition, the use of skin permanently you can get randomly in the Armory Shop.

4. Plague Doctor

The red color and the image of the Plague Doctor are characteristic skin this. Plague Doctor is also synonymous with black and skull accents. For performance, skins provide additional fire rate tall. However, player have to sacrifice reload speed while using Plague Doctor.

If you want to buy it, you have to pay 35 diamonds in the Armory Shop. Of course, this amount can open Loot Crate for 1-7 days or permanently randomly.

5. Bumblebee: Swarm

Bumblebee’s Skin Box is provided for four types of weapons, namely MP5, SKS, AK47, and SPAS12. It looks robotic with a combination of yellow and black colors. On SPAS12 weapons, body shape skin this is slim.

Excess skin Bumblebee, i.e. add damage weapons up to two points. Addition damage this makes weapon attacks more painful. However, the use of skin can deduct two points range.

How to Use SPAS12 on FF

how to use spas12 in ff

Although SPAS12’s damage is large, player not necessarily able to get headshot. This is because each player has a different strategy.

For that, you need to follow these tips in order to achieve: headshot faster.

  1. Use Technique Jump Shoot

Jump shoot is a technique of shooting enemies while jumping. This technique is believed to be the fastest to reach headshot. The reason is, the bullets that are fired can target the enemy’s head.

2. Aim the Chest Up

Shotgun can be used to kill enemies with 1-2 shots if hit in the chest up. If you want to get damage big, you can shoot in a squat position. When this shot was successful, headshot easier to get.

However, you have to move quickly when shooting while crouching. The reason is, the squatting position can limit your movement.

3. Set the Distance and Recoil

Maximum shooting range for SPAS12 FF is 15 points. If it is more than that, the player can lose the accuracy of the weapon.

Apart from distance, you have to adjust recoil weapon. Confirm settings recoil convenient to use by replacing sens as you wish.

4. Use Technique Rush when playing

Rush is one way of disrupting the enemy’s defenses. Although the pattern of play is judged barbartechnique rush merciful enough to narrow the enemy’s movement.

To maximize rush, you can use SPAS12 weapons. That’s because SPAS12 FF own damage which can kill the enemy quickly.

5. Play Aggressively with Caroline’s Character

Waiting for the enemy to be near you is the safest way to survive in the arena. However, this method will not make player proficient in playing shotgun.

So, for those of you who use the Caroline character, you should play aggressively. Caroline has a very fast movement that can avoid enemy fire. In fact, he can fire bullets faster than his opponent.

Ready to win against enemies with weapons SPAS12 FF? If you’re ready, you should top up diamonds as much as possible in order to choose the best skin from this weapon. Top up can be done on the UniPin site at a low price.

Besides top upyou can also listen to news and promos about Free Fire as well as mobile games other. Come on, visit website UniPin now and earn a lot diamonds to buy your beloved shotgun!

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