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How to use Hero Fanyy Mobile Legends

Mstill like playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang? Although it has been released since 3 years ago and new interesting games have emerged, Mobile Legends remains in the hearts of its fans. One of the important characters in Mobile Legends is Hero Fanny.

He is a type hero assassin the most lively. With his Steel Cable, Hero Fanny can get in and out in team fights easily and kill dying enemies.

Not only that, Hero Fanny can also kill enemies who will run away quickly using Steel Cable and then use Tornado Strike or Cut Throat with excruciatingly painful damage.

Playing Hero Fanny

There are many players who want to learn how to play Fanny but they often do so feeder because they don’t know how to master this one hero. My advice, don’t immediately use this hero in classic mode, let alone ranked. Start from custom fashion or at least versus AI.

I just regretted it because I immediately played Fanny on match up (ranked) until finally feeder many times until insulted throughout the game. Moreover, if you throw the wrong rope into the turret, you will often die like a fool and give up using this hero again.

This time, Gizmin will give tips on how to be good at playing Fanny’s hero.

1. Hthe current memorizes the position of the wall

To move quickly, Fanny relies heavily on walls and turrets throughout the map. Study the map structure where it is located and try to remember its position so you can easily land the Steel Cable without having to move the camera first.

And try if you want to remove the cable, it must fit into the wall so that it misses the cable and if your cable doesn’t hit the wall, then your energy will be the victim.

2. Must often farm

This is very important for this assassin hero, because Fanny really needs a buff, because the buff itself will affect your energy when you want to use the cable. Farming in the forest.

3. Master the Steel Cable Skill well

Fanny’s main strength lies in her Steel Cable skill. With this skill, Fanny can use it either to attack opponents or move quickly.

To attack your opponent, you can use a 2-3-1-2 skill combination. First use skill 2 to attack, then use the ultimate skill, then skill 1, and use skill 2 again to escape.

4. Use the Right Items for Fanny

Just like other heroes, Fanny will also be more leverage if she uses the right items.

The following are some of the must-buy items when you use Fanny:

-Tooth of Greed

-Blade of Despair

-Wind Chaser

-Blade Armor

-Bloodthirsty King

-Athens Shield

so that’s the tips that Gizmin can give you, if my suggestion is you should practice often at thecustom, learn to play cable, hopefully you can play with two cable thank you too. Author riza Kurniawan

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