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How to Counter Hero Yve Mobile Legends

System counter it is always used by game developers, especially the MOBA genre. This system was created to make the match fairer, the article is there Mobile LegendsNew heroes are always the strongest because they haven’t been adjusted.

For Yve, this Hero is being feared by the public because of his unique abilities. Besides having damage large, Yve is also considered too strong from each mechanism skills hers.

However, that doesn’t mean Yve doesn’t have any opponents. Like the seven heroes that will be discussed this time. Seeing the abilities of each Hero that will be discussed, they are the most powerful against Yve in the match.

1. Kaja

When it comes to kidnapping, Kaja is already well-known for being the best. Quickly, he can deliver one enemy to your team that has been waiting for its “prey”. With his abilities, Kaja is greatly feared by Marksman, Assassin, and Mage like Yve. Because once kidnapped they can die immediately.

Of all skills owned by Kaja ultimate hers was able to stop Yve’s movement while doing ultimate. As described in the description skills Yve, just. Therefore, Kaja is the most capable Hero counter main of Yve.

2. Claude

Armed with damage With a large size and fast attack, Claude is often a frightening specter in matches. Especially being a carrysuperiority farming what Claude got made him unstoppable. Guaranteed, if you have completed the build item, damage The amount given is so large that it can even make a Tank die helplessly.

Given that Claude can jump through skills both of them, it would be very easy for him to reach Yve who was hiding. Moreover, with the same ability Claude can avoid Yve’s relatively large attack area while providing damage. Guaranteed, Yve will stop ultimateher and dodged Claude’s attack.

3. Luo Yi

In the middle lane, Yve is indeed very dangerous because he can do spam skills first. Not again skills both of them can quickly clean Minnion. However, that doesn’t mean that Luo Yi doesn’t have the same ability. The combination is so lethal as well as annoying. Especially for a thin hero like Yve.

Despite having a large attack area, a Yve user would definitely not expect that Luo Yi would suddenly be behind him and launch a combination skills hers. The most powerful way to give Yve a surprise attack is through ultimate skills from Luo Yi. In fact, you can invite your teammates directly to where Yve is.

Do you have a list of other heroes that are more effective against Yve? Don’t hesitate to share in the comments column, yes! Don’t forget to also keep an eye on RIZA so you don’t miss exciting news about Mobile Legends other. The author, Riza Kurniawan.

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