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Guide Kagura Mobile Legends 2022

Mobile Legends Kagura is one of the Hidden Ninjas of Onmyouji Martial Arts. Kagura was trained to become one of the best Ninjas in Yin and Yang Martial Arts in Onmyouji Martial Arts.

Kagura is one of the most difficult heroes in the game. If you manage to master the timing and combos, then you can win almost every match.

Even your Win Rate with Kagura will increase to 85%.

Best Lane Kagura Mobile Legends

Kagura is played as a Mage as well as a Support. Both roles were played in Mid Lane.

How to Use Kagura Skills?

Kagura has Two Skill Sets.

The first skill when Kagura holds her Umbrella. This skill is shown in Blue. For easier understanding, we will refer to this skill set as Blue Pool.

The second skill set when Kagura is not holding her Umbrella. This skill set is shown in Purple. For easier understanding, we will refer to this skill set as the Purple Collection.

Passive Kagura – Yin Yang Gathering

Every time Kagura would take her Umbrella back, she would get a Shield. He will also stun and slow down nearby enemies.

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Kagura Skill 1 – Seimei Umbrella Open

Both skill sets work the same way.

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Kagura will throw her Umbrella and deal damage to her enemy. When hitting the Enemy, it will slow down the Enemy

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If you do not take the Umbrella, then you can change the place of the Umbrella.

Kagura Skill 2 – Rasho Umbrella escapes

Blue Set Skill: Kagura will run from her Umbrella. The umbrella stays in your position. This will also remove any kind of Negative Effect on Kagura applied by the Enemy.

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Purple Set Skill: Kagura will return to her Umbrella and also stun nearby Enemies due to her Passive.

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Kagura’s Ultimate Skill – Yin Yang Overturn

Blue Set Skill: Kagura will deal damage and also Knock-back the nearest enemy.

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Purple Set Skill: Kagura will use her Umbrella to create a Link between Umbrella and her Enemy. If the link is maintained for 3 seconds, then all Enemies under the Link will be pulled towards the Umbrella

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Mobile Legend Kagura Skill Combo Guide

Combo Kagura 2022

  1. Use Skill 1 to throw Umbrella and slow down Enemies.
  2. Use Purple Ultimate Skill Set to connect with your Enemies. Note that you can use Skill 1 again to position your Umbrella and make sure that the link is maintained for 3 seconds.
  3. When an enemy is pulled towards the Umbrella, use Purple Set Skill 2 to return to your Umbrella and stun your nearest Enemy.
  4. After stunning the enemy, Use Blue Set Ultimate to repulse the Enemy.
  5. If you fail to kill an enemy, use Skill 1 again to finish him off.

This is the most common and effective Combo Skill. Many professional players use this combo.

Kagura Mobile Legends Skill Level Up Order

Skill 1

Skill 22610131415

Kagura Mobile Legends 2022 Guide & Gameplay

  • Always buy a Mana Necklace for Mana Regeneration at the beginning of the game. If you play as the main mage, then buy a Hunter Knife after buying a Mana Necklace.
  • Take Blue Buff alone and use Passive to get shield continuously.
  • If you have Retribution available, then you can also steal enemy Buffs. Blue Buffs are much easier to steal.
  • Always use Skill 1 to check the bushes with your Umbrella
  • Use your combos on the Enemy’s Backline. Will definitely kill enemy squishy heroes like Marksman, Mages, Assassin, and Support.
  • Kagura is able to have a Comeback. Even if your team is feeding, you guys don’t have to mess around and wait for all the Items. Kagura can easily give Victory.
  • When Kagura as Main Carry. Buy a Tier Ax Pillager which is a Tier 2 Jungle Defense Item. It provides sufficient Defense stats which helps in continuous ganking and also helps in farming.

Kagura Mobile Legends Tips & Tricks

  1. Use Retribution when playing as Main Mage.
  2. Poke your enemy with Skill 1.
  3. Save Skill 2. Don’t use Skill 2 to take Umbrella, it’s better to walk towards Umbrella than use Skill 2.
  4. Only Blue Set Skill 2 will give you immunity from Crowd Control Effects.
  5. Always make sure that your Passive is available before joining any Battle.

The Best Emblem of Kagura Mobile Legends 2022

The Mage Emblem is the only emblem that must be used on Kagura. Because Kagura has the ability to provide Support and deal with Burst Damage as well as the kagura emblem.

Emblem Kagura 2022

Magician emblem talent points must be invested

  1. Agility or Mastery: Agility will provide more Movement Speed ​​which I recommend to all of you, because it will help in continuous ganking. Mastery can also be chosen but Kagura already has a very low Cooldown, so Cooldown Reduction is not much needed, and Cooldown Reduction by Item is more than enough.
  2. Observation: This will greatly increase Magic Penetration.
  3. Mystery Shop: This talent reduces the price of all items by 10%, which helps Kagura in buying all Items faster.

Kagura Mobile Legends Battle Spell


Kagura when played as Support should take Execute as your Item Builds will focus on Supporting your Allies instead of Damage.

So many times your Enemy might run away. Execute helps in successfully getting kills.

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When Kagura is played as a Main Mage, he focuses on the Farm in the first 4 minutes of the game.

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Levy helps in Jungling faster and also because of the Patch Update now Retribution Spell holders get bonus Gold for every Kill or Assist

So, when you combine it with the Mystery Shop, you can complete your build within 8 minutes of in-game.

Counter Kagura Mobile Legends

Kagura Strong Against

Aldous , Esmeralda , (Kagura can fight many heroes)

Kagura Weak Against

Lancelot , Zilong , Chou , Atlas , Johnson


The Best Build for Kagura Mobile Legends 2022

Kagura build 2022 Core Items

  1. Arcane Boots – It provides Magic Penetration.
  2. Clock of Destiny – Very important because it increases HP and Magic Attack every 30 seconds, up to 10 times. When 10 times HP and Magic Attack are increased, it will give additional Mana and 5% additional Magic Attack.
  3. Lightning Truncheon – This is the main source of Damage. It will deal Burst Damage type and deal additional damage based on your mana. It also deals extra damage by spreading Magic Damage to enemies as Lightning.
  4. Holy Crystal – Will drastically increase Magic Attack which works well with a combination of Clock of Destiny and Lightning Truncheon kagura build items.

Best Build Kagura 2022

  1. Arcane Boots
  2. Clock of Destiny
  3. Lightning Truncheon
  4. Holy Crystal
  5. Divine Glaive – It provides enormous Magic Penetration.
  6. Genius Wand – Reduces enemy’s Magic Defense, and also grants Magic Penetration.

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This build does not provide Magic Lifesteal. Kagura doesn’t need Lifesteal because she will be far from fighting and generally doesn’t take damage from enemies. Kagura is usually a One-Shots Enemy.

Best Build Kagura 2022

  1. Arcane Boots
  2. Clock of Destiny
  3. Lightning Truncheon
  4. Concentrated Energyy– Grants Magic Lifesteal.
  5. Holy Crystal
  6. Divine Glaive

Best Build Kagura 2022

  1. Arcane Boots
  2. Clock of Destiny
  3. Lightning Truncheon
  4. Concentrated Energy – This reduces the enemy’s Regeneration effect, which lowers the durability of many Kagura Mobile Legends build heroes.
  5. Holy Crystal
  6. Divine Glaive

That’s it for this article. Thank you all for reading. This post is about everything you should know for Kagura Mobile Legends.

I have tried my best to include any and everything about Mobile Legends Kagura in this article.

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