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5 Game Maker Applications Without Coding

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the public is advised to stay at home and avoid crowds. Especially if your place of residence is implementing Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), it is certain that your space for movement will be more limited. Well, to get rid of boredom while at home, there is one challenging activity that you can do. Make games for example.

Right, make games not playing games. To some, this idea seems impossible because it lacks the capacity to compose coding. Eits, don’t give up just yet. Now making digital games can be done instantly without coding, you know. How do you think? how to make games Android without coding? Get acquainted with the following 5 applications, come on!

1. Appsgeyser

how to make android games with coding

How to make games Android the first is to use the AppsGeyser service. AppsGeyser is website which allows users to create digital games simply by drag and drop.

The first step you need to do is open website AppsGeyser, then press the Gamemaker menu. On the next page you will find several menus which are further divided into several sub-menus. Here are the details.

a. Popular

b. Arcade

  • Coloring
  • magic ball
  • Tap the cookies
  • Fishing
  • slot machines
  • Matching puzzles

c. Puzzles

  • 2048
  • 15 Games
  • Word search
  • Find the pair
  • Quiz

d. All

From the list above, please select the type of game you want to make. After that click game of your choice, then follow all the instructions. On the right side there are preview to see the games you have created. Once you’re done you can download games your work and ready to play. Very cool, right!

2. Quickappninja

how to make a simple android game

How to make games simple android next is to use Quickappninja. Similar to AppsGeyser, Quickappninja users just need to do drag and drop to create digital games. Interestingly, from the games you make, developers can earn money from the ads displayed in the game games the.

There are 4 types in total games that you can make in Quickappninja, namely guess the picture, guess the hidden picture, find the words, and chat stories. Making process games in Quickappninja is also fairly easy.

  • First, please create an account on the Quickappninja page
  • Choose one of the 4 types games which is available
  • After that, you are free to arrange the appearance, color, and sound according to your taste.
  • In the next stage, arrange the provisions games along with name games that you have made.
  • If you want to profit from games made, don’t forget to activate AdMob by Google on the Monetization menu.
  • The process is complete, you can download the game that has been made

3. BuildBox

how to make android games online

Buildbox was first released in 2022. Through platform In this case, users with minimal programming skills can make games easily. To make it easier for users, Buildbox provides 4 mainstay features, such as Game Wizard, Brinboxes, Smart Assets, and Easy Monetization. One of the four features allows users to do drag and drop existing assets.

Process of making games in Buildbox not too difficult. Follow the guide below.

  • Choose type games what you want to make
  • Determine the screen position from games it, whether the game will be displayed vertically or horizontally.
  • Choose background and animation according to the theme of the game
  • Prepare assets or objects to be displayed in the game
  • From these assets, choose which asset plays the main character, enemy, and friend.
  • Define game missions
  • Manage interactions between one asset and another
  • Do a motion simulation
  • Add music or sound effects to games you made to make it more entertaining
  • The process is complete and games ready to play

4. Game Salad

how to make android games on pc

According to its motto which reads “Game creation for everyone”, Gamesalad can be used by anyone who wants to make digital games even in the cloud with a programming language.

Later results games that you produce through Gamesalad can only be used personally. If you want to publish games to the Play Store, you need to spend some money to buy Gamesalad Pro.

Then, how how to make games Android at the Gamesalad?

  • Create an account at Gamesalad
  • Choose template games which is available
  • After a new page appears, select attributes, actionand type device which will be used.
  • Please be creative by using settings that you can change as needed.
  • On the right there are preview to see games already made
  • Press Preview to run the game
  • If it is appropriate, press Scene Overview, then double click on the logo games
  • Click Unlock
  • Gamesalad will show details of games what you have done
  • Click Publish as the last step
  • Wait a while until games finished processing

5. Draw Your Game

how to make android games without coding

The last application is Draw Your Game. The first thing you have to do is draw a sketch of the world games manually on a piece of paper. Interestingly, in making the sketch there are rules. You may only use black, green, blue, or red stationery.

1. Black

If you draw an object with black color, it means that the object will be a fixed object and cannot be moved by the game character.

2. Blue

Conversely, if you use drawing objects in blue, it means the character can move objects according to the course of the game.

3. Green

Objects drawn in green function like trampolines. So, if there is another object that hits the green object, then the object will bounce.

4. Red

The game can end if the character hits a red object

Finish sketching, please open the Draw Your Game application, then press the Create button. Follow the instructions until you find the OK button. After that enter the game sketch image that has been made. Put the game character at the starting point and press the Play button to play it.

Well, from the 5 applications above, now you know how, right? how to make games Android without bothering to think coding. Happy creative!

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