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This is the Painful META Build X Borg Offlaner that you must try

X Borg is one of the fighter heroes in
Mobile Legends game

which is very effective if used as a offlaner. His strong defense thanks to his armor make X Borg able to defend lane alone.

Therefore, a lot player who uses X Borg thanks to the ability surviveits quite high since early game. Added with damage from skill-its quite big, X Borg deserves to be one offlaner best at the moment.

Well this time I will recommend build X Borg which I think is quite effective for you to use in meta at the moment. Without much further ado, just take a look at the following explanation.

Recommended Items

The arrangement of items like the one in the picture above is very effective for you to use when playing with X Borg as a offlaner heroes.

With this build item, X Borg will have damage sick and has a thick life so it is suitable to be used to face

For those of you who still don’t understand what the function of each item is, you can see the following explanation.

1. Bloodlust Exe

Bloodlust exe
is the first item you have to make when using X Borg. With this item, the effect spell vamp that you can get from using
skills first X Borg will increase drastically.

Bloodlust exe
mandatory for you to buy the first time, because this item can make
armor that obtained by X Borg will be harder to reduce due to effects spell vamp that you receive from the item bloodlust exe

2. Warrior Boots

The function of these shoes is none other than to increase
movement speed X Borg. However, apart from that the additional effect that enhances 22 physical defense can make X Borg’s life harder than before.

Although the effect is not that big, but I think warrior boots is the most appropriate shoe item used for X Borg to increase its survivability.

3. Immortality

Many of you must have thought that immortality is a good item to use when entering a phase late game. Well, there’s no harm in thinking of it that way, because of the effect of the item immortality this really affects the situation when the tempo of the game has reached
late games.

However, this item has been purchased by many X Borg players since the mid-game phase. Why? because when X Borg is resurrected with this item, the life he gets will be immediately divided into 2 types, namely original life (green bar) and armor (chocolate bar).

This effect is certainly very beneficial for X Borg, because he can easily run away or even do it right away
ultimate (because armoris still there).

4. Blade of Despair

This green sword item is indeed a crucial item if used by
hero with physical damage. How come? This item can improve damage from hero you in an instant without the hassle.

The only weakness of this item is the manufacturing price, which even exceeds your self-esteem (very expensive I swear). Therefore, while still saving to make
blade of despair, try to play it safe (no need to be pretentious
pro Keep going mukill).

5. Athena Shield

For this one item you can change as you like. The only reason why I recommend you guys to use
athens shield is the effect that can give you a bonus
shield so that the life of the X Borg that you use will be even more rhino.

This item is really suitable for you to buy to overcome
damage from hero mage enemies, except for Esmeralda. For those of you who are still confused about the reason why athens shield should not be used against Esmeralda can see my post about
“5 Ways to Counter Esmeralda”.

6. Queen’s Wing

The additional life obtained from this item is very large, which is 1000
MOBILE PHONE. The additional life automatically creates abilities
survive X Borg when war will be bigger, especially if it has entered a phase late games.

However, in my opinion, this last item is not mandatory for you to buy, prioritize the situation and condition of your team first, then determine which item is the most suitable. I myself usually replace this item with Blade of Heptaseas to make damage from ultimate X Borg to get sicker. But if damage from your team is big enough, I recommend you to buy queen’s wing.

Emblem Recommended

For emblem– I always use fighter emblem with
Talent Festival of Blood order percentage spell vamp what you get is the maximum.

Spell Recommended

Spell which is suitable for use when using X Borg is
spell flicker. Combination between spell flicker with
ultimate X Borg is great for killing hero who have been dying or break your enemy’s attack.

Okay, maybe that’s all I’m talking about this time about build X Borg. is
build what I recommend this time is the same as build do you have? Please write your opinion in the comments column.

Thank you


Fighter Mobile Legends

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