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The Story of Hero Nathan: The Time Traveler from Euriditio

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Land of Dawn
born from the void, and will return to the void.

These few centuries, the seal that held back Lord of the Abyss getting weaker, so that the cracks in the Abyss getting bigger every year. Because of the size of the crack, all the ranks of humanity living in the
Lantis Mountains began to be evacuated, moving north to find a safer place.

Crack Abyss is a sign of resurrection
Lord of the Abyss, and when the leader of darkness arrives, the world will surely be engulfed in eternal darkness. Humanity began to understand that this was a sign of the apocalypse. However, just as everyone was starting to lose hope, suddenly a ray of light appeared, providing protection for Moniya Empire, which is the core defense wall of mankind.

Everyone looked up at the sky, looking for the source of the light. Many people believe that the light is a sign of help from
Lord of Light. The human spirit was immediately smoldering. With all the strength they had left, they finally stepped forward to risk their lives against the darkness that was now getting stronger. The war between light and darkness has finally begun, the intensity of which has never decreased for thousands of years after that has made the war known as Endless Warwhich means endless war.

Nathan was born in this war era. As he grows up in Euriditio, Nathan proves that he has a natural talent for science and magic, he can even reach levels that ordinary humans cannot imagine.

Humanity is getting weaker, while the demons are getting fiercer. Endless War
is now starting to move towards the final phase, where humanity seems to be on the verge of defeat.

Quotes Hero Nathan

This burden is felt by the inhabitants of Euriditio, who is the last hope of mankind. After
Moniyan Empire submerged in darkness a few years earlier, now only Euriditio was still struggling.

The city which is dubbed as the nest of scientists has indeed been known as the pinnacle of human knowledge, and that is the reason why Moniyan Empire chose to sacrifice himself first, so that they could buy time for the scientists at Euriditio to avenge their defeat. Nathan is one of the members of the scientist, who has carried out the task of saving the world since he was young.

In his teenage years, Nathan had been the focus of Euriditio, participating in various important research projects. In fact, he has become the official leader of Euriditio at the age of 28, thanks to his extraordinary achievements. Together with his people, Nathan is always looking for a way to save the world.

At the time, Abyss have gained the most
Twilight Orb. If all Twilight Orb fall into the hands
Lord of the Abyss, then chaos will come to the world, swallowing all the light that is now remaining. Nathan and the others began to realize that they had now run out of time. By combining all the power of all Euriditio and Magic Academythey tried their best to find a way to turn things around and avoid the chaos that was about to ensue.

Weapons – weapons that are very strong successfully created. However, the human race remained defenseless when facing demon attacks with
Twilight Orb they. Plan to stop
Lord of the Abyss is no longer a hope, but a disaster, plunging humanity into ever deeper despair.

Repeatedly failing, Natan continued to start other new projects, until finally he thought of an idea, namely the creation of a time machine.

This idea is a crazy imagination, an idea that seems to bring more problems than solutions. How to pass time? Even if it does work, how do you know what period to aim for? And what’s more, will replacing the past replace the future as well?

However, the fate of mankind is now on the brink. The slightest hope will definitely help, no matter if it is a crazy imagination.

Hearing this, all corners of Euriditio immediately put aside their research and put all their energies into finding a way to travel through time. Every day, Nathan and his friends struggle relentlessly, with the hope that this is the last solution to fight back against the forces Abyss which is now rampant.

Their hard work finally paid off. Nathan and other researchers have succeeded in creating a device that can bend time. They are still continuing their research to reduce the possible impact. However, a new problem began to come, they did not know how to find a large resource to start the engine.

In fact, great resources can be found in any of the four corners Land of Dawnhowever they must penetrate into the territory Abyss to get to that place. Meanwhile, humanity’s strength has now also weakened, the remaining combat troops will definitely not be able to complete the mission.

Quotes Hero Nathan

However, Nathan did not just stand still, with his loud voice, he ignited the spirit of mankind to help him turn on the time machine. At first, they all hesitated, but hearing Nathan’s voice getting more passionate, finally their spirits began to rise once again.

With all the remaining combat troops, assisted by the citizens of Euriditio, Nathan finally started to enter the territory Abyss to find resources for the time machine.

The fate of the rest of humanity is truly at stake in the war. Slowly but surely, they continued to advance in raiding the territory
Abyss passionately.

All their efforts finally arrived at the end point, Nathan with the small group that was still left finally arrived at their destination. Quickly, Nathan immediately focused on starting his time machine, while the others tried to protect him from the counterattack Abyss.

Hearing the sound of a time machine running, senses
Lord of the Abyss starting to sense a threat, he quickly went straight to where Nathan was, and began to wipe out all the remaining human troops.

In the last seconds, when Lord of the Abyss Starting to launch an attack, Nathan instantly disappeared, swallowed up in a time loop that now took him to the past as he had planned. Nathan’s time travel is finally successful, but will he also succeed in changing the fate of mankind by changing the past?

“It’s over.”


It is in despair that I see the fondest hopes

In desperation, I see a hope

Every time is the perfect time

Every time is the right time

For all the memories that Euriditio bears

For all Euriditio’s memories

I don’t pray the miracles. I make them

I didn’t expect a miracle. I made it

Our perception is our reality

Our perception is our own reality

For every end, there is a start

In every ending, there must be a beginning

There is no past, no future, only now

There is no past, no future, there is only now

You are all repeating yourselves

You all repeat yourself

By giving meaning to time, we give meaning to live

By giving meaning to time, we give meaning to life

For tomorrow sunrise, for yesterday starlight

Sunrise for tomorrow, beautiful starlight for yesterday

We are meant for more

We are destined for more

Against the dying of the light

Against the dim light

This is alone journey

This is my own journey

What goes around comes around

What happens, then happens


The loop starts!

Time loop begins!


This isn’t right

This is not true


That’s my discussion regarding story hero Nathan. If any of you want a discussion story
Mobile Legends heroes others, please just write in the comments column.

Thank you

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