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Counter Benedetta with these 5 Heroes! (Mobile Legends)

Benedetta counters

Agile, damageit hurts, has immunehard to target, can split push, Benedetta indeed had almost no weakness in her attributes. With the various advantages it has, it is not uncommon for Benedetta to be used when ranked or tournaments, it’s not even uncommon to get hit banned because many
player consider if ability hero this is still too

Benedetta is superior in many aspects. Because of the many advantages that Benedetta has, hero this until I put it in the post
hero all METAs. His agility and mobility as role assassin it’s really scary, especially if player the one who wears it has high mechanics, like EVOS Ferxic which, if you have used Benedetta, is agile, asking for forgiveness.

However, despite excelling in various aspects, Benedetta still has
counter which you can use to overcome his abilities. Therefore, in this post I will explain at least 5
hero as well as several items that you can use to overcome Benedetta.

Instead of being curious, let’s just look at the following discussion:


1. Phoveus


Hero fighter
this one was made Moonton to overcome hero who has many skills dashlike Benedetta.

With Demonic Force (ultimate) sensitive to the effects
dashPhoveus can easily directly attack Benedetta whenever he does dash. Though, all source Benedetta’s skill uses the dash effect. Therefore, every time Benedetta performs a skill, Phoveus can directly attack her very easily using ultimate-his.

From any point of view, Phoveus is indeed superior when it comes to a duel with Benedetta, because hero this is indeed counter naturally from Benedetta itself.

2. Balmond


Balmond’s agility might be far below Benedetta’s, however hero this can balance power Benedetta when confronted in lane. Balmond even had the upper hand when it came to a duel with Benedetta.

This is due to the ability to increase damage from
Cyclone Sweep (skill 2) Balmond who can make it difficult for Benedetta to approach him. The more often Benedetta is near Balmond, the more he will be dying thanks to the damage from Cyclone Sweep Balmond which is quite painful.

Although actually this Balmond couldn’t keep up with Benedetta’s rotation, however hero it’s still worth it to strengthen the side
side lane so that you are not easily affected split push.

3. Kaja


Kaja is counter for everything heroes. Whatever
hero that you are fighting, then Kaja can overcome it thanks to
Divine Judgment (ultimate) with effect suppress which cannot be undone by anything, even spell purify even if it can’t overcome the effect Surpress the.

only with ultimateher, Kaja can be interesting hero
whatever is within his reach, no matter if
hero It has agile movements like Benedetta. Once hit ultimate Kaja, then it’s over.

However, keep in mind that power Kaja is only found in
ultimateonly. If ultimate has been used, then Kaja is no longer able to contribute much in war.

Kaja will also only be effective when entering the phase mid until
late gamebecause hero it really depends on the item. So, it’s only natural that during the phase early Kaja is often affected
pick off easily.

4. Kufra


Kufra is tanker that you can use to overcome
hero who has many blink skills, including Benedetta. Why is that? This is because Kufra has Bounce Ball (skill 2) that skills cannot pass blink/dash whatever.

With this skill, Kufra can easily prevent Benedetta from escaping, especially if Benedetta doesn’t have ultimate, auto can’t run.

Even so, this ability of Kufra could still be overcome by Benedetta with An Eye for An Eye His (skill 2) which has an effect
immune. So, even though Kufra had tried to block it, Benedetta was able to use the skill, then fled with
ultimate to stay out of Kufra’s reach.

5. Minsitthar


Although Minsitthar is not often used, but it turns out hero this can be counter good for hero Benedetta’s class. With King’s Calling (ultimate) Minsitthar who can remove the enemy’s directed blink skill, then he can prevent Benedetta from doing
dash During hero is within reach ultimate Minsitthar.

This Minsitthar also has a lot of effects crowd control which could stop the movement of Benedetta.


After knowing hero counter-then you should also know the item counter from Benedetta. In this post, I will explain at least 2 items counter that you can use to deal with Benedetta, here’s the discussion:

1. Antique Cuirass

Antique Cuirass

Antique Cuirass
is the right item to overcome hero by type
physical damage. Effect physical reduction owned by
Antique Cuirass be the right answer to overcome
damage of the relatively large and constant Benedetta.

The price of this item is also not too expensive. Only with 2170 gold, then you have got physical reduction enough to dampen
damage from Benedetta.

2. Brute Force

Brute Force

Brute Force can be an item counter Benedetta thanks to her passive effect where
physical and magical reduction-it can be stack up to 5 times within 4 seconds.

In addition, this item also has an additional effect movement speed which you can use to escape from Benedetta’s attacks.

With various effects obtained from Brute Force, hero what you use will be more tanky when hit by Benedetta’s repeated attacks, as it gets longer hero you got hit damagethen the more physical reduction what you get.


That’s my discussion this time regarding hero and items
counter Benedetta. If there are additions from you as readers, please just write your opinion in the comments column.

Thank you


Assassin Counter Hero Mobile Legends

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