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This is the Easy Way to Get Cow and Goat Tokens in FF

How to Get Cow Token in FF — Garena, on the upcoming Eid al-Adha, a new event, namely the Free Fire Eid al-Adha event. From this event, Free Fire players have the opportunity to get the main prize in the form of a Shining gold bundle and a Mystic fox backpack. However, to get the main prize, Free Fire players must collect two tokens, namely the goat token and the cow token. In Indonesian, goat tokens and cow tokens. Also Read: How to Get Cepcil Pants 2022.

How to Get Cow Token in ff

This Free Fire Eid al-Adha event starts from July 29, 2022 to August 8, 2022. Enough time to collect the two tokens so that a lot of them are collected. Therefore, in this post, we will discuss a little about how to get cow tokens in FF.

Why is only the Cow token in FF discussed? Yes, because the way to get goat tokens in FF is fairly easy. Just play any match for a few hours then at the end of the match you will get Goat tokens.

How to Get Cow Token in FF Easy

Basically, whenever there is a token collection event, Garena always only explains in detail how to collect the tokens. So there must be one token that is not described in detail. And for the Free Fire event, the Eid al-Adha event, it is the cow token that is not very clear how to get it.

Therefore, as usual, the Cow token in FF will only be collected during the peak day event. So you can only get it on August 9, 2022 by playing for 90 minutes. Also Read: Hack Free Fire Account By Angga Widi.

Later you can claim cow tokens in the event tab > Eid al-Adha free fire when you have finished playing for 90 minutes. Not only that, on the peak day of the Free Fire Eid al-Adha event, you will also have the opportunity to get a free backpack by logging in on that peak day.

How to Get Goat Token in FF

Regarding how to get goat tokens, you can collect them from July 29 to August 9, 2022 by playing in all modes in the game. You will get the goat token after the match takes place.

Just a suggestion so that your goat token acquisition can be fast, so we suggest that you play Clash Squad which doesn’t take long in the game. This will shorten your goat token gain.

So first our explanation about how to get goat tokens and cow tokens in FF. Hopefully the information from us is useful for all of you. Also Read: Free Fire Active Player Turns Out Like This.

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