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How to Get FF Ice Tokens and FF Fire Tokens

How to Get Ice Token FF — Free Fire Asia Invitational 2022 is officially opened in Indonesia from yesterday until September 10, 2022. During the FFAI event, it is clear that Garena provides attractive prizes that you can get. But the problem is, to get a prize at the FFAI event, you have to collect tokens. The tokens at the 2022 FFAI event are Ice tokens / FF snow badges and Fire tokens / Fire tokens. Read also: What is Telcel?

How to get Ice Token Free fire

For this time we will discuss how to get the FF ice token first because this is a special token. How special is the token? Let’s just talk.

How to Get Ice Token FF

How to get FF Ice tokens? Yes you can get FF ice tokens on Peak day or peak event. Therefore, please play around September 9 2022, basically the highlight of the Free Fire Asia Invitational 2022. Also read: Telcel FF Can Get Free Diamonds.

Remember, this FF ice token is the same as the Snow Badge Free Fire. So don’t ask again how to get the FF snow badge. Because it’s the same.

How to Get FF Fire Token

Besides you have to get FF ice tokens, then you also have to get FF Fire tokens. The method is as follows.

  • Daily login get 1 api token.
  • Play 3 matches 2 fire tokens.
  • Become top 10 1x get 3 tokens.

That’s the procedure for getting the FF fire token at the 2022 FFAI event.

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