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6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience - games

6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience – 6 This method can quickly increase the Rank of Mobile legends Gamers, because with these ways, it is ensured that Gamers will be fast to become Legends and above maniacs. It should be noted that if you want to get something, there must be a strategy, not just playing, Yes, most Mobile Legends gamers often win but because he doesn’t know how to play he never goes up in rank or continues to be a disabled player, so how do we go directly to this article? 6 ways to increase the rank of mobile legends. When Gamers feel bored with your rank that is stuck there and there without any progress? Feeling that the skills that Gamers have should be able to take you to a higher rank position, but your stars continue to decrease until they have to force you to rank down.

Here are 6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience:
1. Control your emotions!

6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience

We often see players who can’t play patiently, so they always die in vain without making any contribution to the team. That is one of the things we should avoid. Why, Because when Gamers are killed in vain, your enemy’s EXP and gold will increase automatically and your team’s EXP and gold gain will be left behind. When this happens continuously throughout the game, it is very likely that you will experience defeat. Stay with the team and plan good things for the team, be it baiting or ganking and pushing continuously

2. Solo Player = Auto Lose?

6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience

Of course, we are very upset when we meet players who are stubborn or very selfish and don’t care about what happens to their team. We can’t choose who we will be grouped with in a team if we play solo, it’s very difficult to play solo especially in Team vs Team type games like Mobile Legends.
It’s not impossible to win in a solo queue, but you have to be prepared with risks that might appear, such as random AFK from players on the team, and the possibility of getting a bad team so you have to work harder to carry for the whole team.
Don’t forget also, when you are in a position to be a member of a team, in addition to communication and cooperation, of course you must also have a humble nature to listen to input and criticism from your teammates so that you and your team can win more easily.

3. Map Awareness? What’s that?

6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience

Most of the players really underestimate this. What is Map Awareness? Map Awareness is a condition where Gamers have a good understanding of the position of friends and foes as well as developments that occur during the game.
This can be achieved in one way, namely by paying a lot of attention to the Map (which is in the upper left corner of the Gamers screen) during the match. Of course, this gives Gamers more information about the position and condition of Gamers opponents that are not visible on the screen, but are still visible on the map.

4. Understand the heroes that Gamers often use

6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience

There are many heroes that can be your choice in every match. Of course, one team cannot use the same hero, even more so if you have reached Epic rank and above, and have used draft pick mode, it is not possible for two heroes to be the same even though they are on different teams. Understanding a hero such as learning about all aspects of the hero (skills, passive skills, items to be used and so on) will also provide additional benefits for you and your team to get closer to victory.

5. Learn from other better players!

6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience

The learning process will continue to bring you better right? One of the things that gamers can certainly do is to learn how to play the big teams in Mobile Legends, both national and international teams.

You can take advantage of the Live Stream feature in the game and learn how to play from other players and teams. This will provide a reference for you on how the top players use their heroes and play in teams.

6. Network and mobile device conditions

6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience

Well, this is the last thing that might help you in ranking up. Make sure your network conditions are good by doing a ping test to the Mobile Legends server. Also make sure you don’t move too many locations that will affect your signal, guys.
It would also be ideal if you can take advantage of a good and stable Wi-Fi network to reduce the greater risk of data connection on mobile.

A few of the articles 6 Ways to Raise Mobile Legends Rank Very Fast, Powerful Personal Experience.

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