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15 Tips for Playing Mobile Legends Complete

Hi guys, loyal fans of the Mobile Legends game. How many stars have you got today? or how many stars has it dropped guys? If you go up and down stars, that’s normal, guys, especially if you’re in mythic rank, the opponents are tough. But if you go down and don’t go up, that’s what needs to be fixed. In the main ranked match on mobile legends, we can’t play carelessly, guys.

Every hero we use must be adjusted to the team, if there is a shortage of tanks, we must pick a tank, or if there is no marksman (MM) pick a marksman. Okay guys, this time we will discuss together tips for playing the best and latest 2022 Mobile Legends and how to play Mobile Legends properly and correctly. Okay, just take a look at the following 15 Complete Mobile Legends Playing Tips so that you continue to win while playing:

1. Master the Hero One by One
There are many heroes in Mobile Legends, reaching more than 40. With that many, you can’t master them all at once.

It’s better to use one of the heroes first, understand all the skills and how to use the skills correctly, then use them in ranked to test your ability to use the hero. If you are good enough or already good at it, then you can try another hero and then use it to rank again.

2. Use the Appropriate Emblem and Spell
Emblems provide additional stats when playing, there are various types of stats, some of which function to increase the amount of damage you give, increase blood, increase armor, increase mana, increase attack speed and movement speed, etc.

Because of its great influence in the game, then you should use an emblem that is suitable for the hero you are using. For example, if you use an assassin hero, you should use an assassin emblem, a tank hero using a tank emblem, a marksman emblem, and so on.

Don’t forget to upgrade the emblem level regularly, because the higher the level, the higher the stats you will get.
Types of Spells:

  • Execute: deals massive damage to enemies
  • Retribution: deals damage to minions, buffs and forest monsters
  • Inspire: accelerates attacks and reduces enemy armor when used
  • Sprint: increase running speed by 40%
  • Healing spell: increase blood
  • Aegis: provides a barrier that can absorb damage
  • Stun: deals damage and stuns for 0.7 seconds
  • Purify: removes stun, slow, silence etc effects and provides protection against negative effects 1 second and increases running speed by 30%
  • Weaken: Reduces running speed by 70%, physical and magic attacks by 50% for 3 seconds
  • Flicker: switch places in an instant
  • Arrival: recall to minions or towers, after recall running speed will increase by 30% for 3 seconds
  • Iron wall: reduces physical, magic and turret damage by 40% for 3 seconds

The spell that is usually used a lot is the retribution spell, you must have it if you want your hero to level up quickly and get good items at the beginning of the game.

3. Use the Best Gear
Gear is an arrangement of items that we will use in the game later. Usually in Mobile Legends, gear is provided that is suitable for you to use directly. There are various types, including:

  • Sustained DPS (Deals massive and sustained damage),
  • Burst damage (deals the most damage),
  • DPS Jungling (for jungle),
  • Team Buff (to support the team),
  • Durability (prioritize defense), etc.

Three kinds of gear

  • Ordinary equipment: Normal gear
  • Hot equipment: The most used gear by ML players around the world
  • Set top player: Gear pro ML players wear

Use the gear that feels most suitable for you to use, how to use which gear first is up to you, then after the game is finished use another gear, after that compare which one helps the most in the game or gives the most kills.

You can also set your own gear set before you start playing, or even better if you set up gear when the game starts. If the enemy has a lot of hard tanks, use full damage gear or if you die often use defensive gear.

4. Make sure the internet connection and ping are smooth
Connection is the key to victory and something that must be considered in every online game. Online games are very dependent on the speed of the internet connection, the smoother the internet connection, the better your game will be, and vice versa, the slower the connection, the slower the game will be and will eventually make you lose.

This is an annoying thing for gamers like you, you should be good at playing and be able to win ranked matches, but because the connection is not as expected you can’t do anything, let alone help your team during war, instead you feed in the middle of a battle.

In addition, when the connection is slow, you can even break through walls that shouldn’t be impenetrable, or walk to and fro uncontrollably, this can make you irritated and eventually afk or leave the game.

Signs of a Mobile Legends game that has a slow connection can be seen from the signal, if the signal is green then it is in good condition but if it is red then the connection is bad, which will make the game lag badly.

5. Do the last hit
Last hit is the last attack, meaning the enemy minion dies not because of your minion attack, but because of your attack. If you manage to do the last hit you will get more gold when you don’t do the last hit. To do the last hit, it takes practice repeatedly.

You have to know the right timing to attack the minion with the least blood. You can walk around while waiting for the minion’s blood to run low, then attack him when he is almost dead. Last hit is very useful for certain heroes like Balmond, where every time he manages to kill a minion will increase his blood regeneration.

6. Master All Heroes
Because every hero in Mobile Legends has its own advantages and can be used to counter other heroes, you should master all heroes. Or at least master all roles.

Because in ranked, the enemy as soon as possible will pick the strongest hero (as currently the strongest hero is Martis) to be able to fight him you have to use a hero counter. If no one in your team can use a hero counter, it will be a big problem, you will definitely lose later.

7. Do farming quickly
Farming is an important thing that must be done by Carry hero users (Mage, Marksman, Assassin, and Fighter), this is because the hero can give victory in the late game when the item/gear build is good.

Therefore, use the retribution spell and jungle gear to get faming faster. Don’t just farm by killing minions, also kill monsters in the forest and buffs so that your level and gold increase more after that return to the lane and kill the minions.

Don’t worry about using your skills on minions or buffs because later after buying a good item, your mana will regenerate faster, after all, at the beginning of the game, the hero mage has a lot of mana so there’s no need to be afraid of running out of mana.

8. Prioritize Teamwork
MOBA is a game that requires teamwork. You are required to be able to work together with the team, no matter how stupid your team is. You can’t fight five heroes at once alone, except against bots.

Cooperation means getting together, uniting, and helping each other. Therefore, if you think the team’s victory is because of you, you should throw away such thoughts. In a tournament match, a team in which there are even the best players in the world can lose to an ordinary team if the team has good cooperation.

9. Understand the Warning Signs
In Mobile Legends, there are three types of warning signs that we often use, namely retreat, defend and attack. Sometimes beginners still don’t know what it means, that’s why I’ll explain briefly.

Go-Attacks: attack, you are ordered to start attacking the enemy
Initiate retreats: Retreat, you are warned to retreat from the place because the enemy will soon ambush or the number of enemies is too large for you to fight alone
Request back off: Gathering, you are required to gather and occupy their respective positions (tank in front, MM and mage behind, assassin in the middle)

10. Map Awareness
In every MOBA game, it must be equipped with a map (map). This map is very useful for you to find out where the enemy is, the condition of the team, and the position of the opponent, whether the opponent is alone or with friends.

With good map reading skills, you will be more difficult to kill and will be able to successfully gang up on enemies. The map can also be used to predict the opponent’s position and predict whether this is the right time to gang up or not.

11. Master and understand all skills, both active and passive
Each hero skill in Mobile Legends has its own uniqueness and effect. Sometimes we don’t really understand what the effects of these skills are and how to use them. Therefore, before starting to use heroes in ranked matches, it is better if you understand the meaning of these skills and how to use them properly and correctly.

Sometimes we already know the use of skills but cannot use them optimally. For that you need to pay attention to how pro players use these skills and then practice them when playing.

12. Understand all items and their uses
Items in Mobile Legends have unique and different effects. Each item usually has a passive effect which is very useful and suitable for certain types of heroes. Like the lifesteal effect (blood increases when attacking the enemy) it will be useful for marksman or assassin heroes.

Then the blood and armor enhancing items will be very useful for tank heroes whose job is to protect the team behind and withstand the opponent’s attack.

13. Imitate how to play Pro Player
Professional players are already very skilled at playing the game. They have faced various kinds of formidable enemies from all over the world, this you can see from the number of stars they get, there are lots of them. They already know how to use the right heroes and make maximum use of hero skills and items.

Especially for certain top global heroes, such as the top global hero Lancelot (Evos Oura) who is very adept at using Lancelot. You can observe how he plays on YouTube, try when he plays ranked, see all the items he buys, how he uses skills, how to farm, how to gang up, and when is the right time to attack.

You can imitate it because the way to play is no doubt, it will lead you to victory later.

14. Don’t Just Use Hero
Every hero in the MOBA genre game must have strengths and weaknesses, and Mobile Legends: Bang-Bang is no exception. Every hero has a counter that makes him weak and motionless. When your hero is hit by the counter, you should be more careful in attacking, don’t be too aggressive because the hero counter is specially picked to kill you.

Or better yet, if you don’t choose a hero who already has a counter, like if the enemy chooses a Saber or Moskov hero, don’t pick Fanny, because the ultimate Saber can stun you for quite a while, especially if you get hit by the ultimate, you’ll die instantly, as well as Moskov. , skill 2 is able to stun you for 2 seconds, enough time to make you die.

15. Choose the Right Lane
In playing we must know the right lane position for the hero we are using. Don’t choose Hilda’s hero tank and then you place it in the middle of the lane, it’s the same as disturbing your team who wants to take the middle lane.

He might sulk and then afk because you took the lane carelessly. The middle lane is specifically filled with heroes who have good ranged skills and fast farming abilities.

Why should it be like that? Because this skill is good to use to repay opponents in the mid, and can be used to gang up on other lanes. Middle lane heroes are usually dominated by mage, assassin and marksman heroes, such as Harley, Kagura, Cyclops, Lesley, Layla, Lancelot, Ihritel etc.

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