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The Strongest Build X.Borg in Mobile Legends this Season

X.Borg is one of the Fighter Mobile Legends heroes that has enormous damage, and has strong durability, both in the early game and late game. This hero has a passive skill ability ( Firaga Armor ) that absorbs all damage from the opponent's hero and can restore HP Armor if the Armor is active.

Not only that, but X.Borg also has a very good HP regeneration ability. So you don't have to worry if X.Borg loses a lot of HP, because his abilities can regenerate continuously in battle.

On this occasion, we want to tell you that the X.Borg build is the worst in Mobile Legends season 23. Want to know what the builds are? Come on, just take a look at the following article reviews.

Build X.Borg hurts Mobile Legends

The picture above is one of the sickest Build X.Borg arrangements in Mobile Legends. Of course, by using this Build arrangement, X.Borg can produce great damage to the opponent. The following is the arrangement and explanation of the items that you can use for the X.Borg Mobile Legends hero.

1. Warrior Boots

The first item you can use for X.Borg is Warrior Boots. This shoe item can minimize the damage of a large opponent's hero attack. Item Warrior Boots can provide additional Physical Defense by 22 and can increase Movement Speed by 40 for X.Borg.

Not only that, Warrior Boots has a unique passive called Valor. The passive effect of this item can provide an additional Physical Defense of 5, every time X.Borg receives a Basic Attack from the opponent, a maximum of 25, for 3 seconds.

2. War Axe

The next item you can use for X.Borg is War Ax. This item is able to make X.Borg produce large damage because the War Ax effect can provide an additional Physical Attack of 45 and HP of 500, as well as an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction for X.Borg. The War Ax

item also has a unique passive called Fighting Spirit. The passive effect of this item can give an additional 9 Physical Attack Damage to the opponent, as well as an additional 3 Physical Penetration every second, for 3 seconds, and can be stacked 8 times. When

The stack is full, the passive effect of this item can give X.Borg an additional 15% Movement Speed.

3. Immortality

The next item you can use for X.Borg is Immortality. This item can make Xborg's defense stronger because Immortality has a unique passive ( Immortal ) that can make X.Borg come back to life after being eliminated within 2.5 seconds.

The passive effect of this item can also provide an additional 16% HP and a Shield that can absorb damage as much as 220-1200, for 3 seconds. Immortality items can also provide additional Physical Defense of 40 and HP of 800 for X.Borg.

4. Bloodlust Axe

The next item you can use for X.Borg is Bloodlust Ax. This item has an attribute that can provide an additional 20% Spell Vamp. Of course, Bloodlust Ax is perfect for X.Borg who relies on skill attacks rather than his Basic Attack.

Not only that, but this item can also provide an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction and an additional 70% Physical Attack X.Borg.

5. Oracle

The next item you can use for X.Borg is Oracle. This item is able to minimize burst damage from very high Mage heroes because the Oracle effect can provide an additional Magical Defense of 42 and Cooldown Reduction of 10%, as well as an additional HP of 850.

Not only that, but Oracle also has a unique passive ( Bless ) which is able to increase Shield Absorption and HP Regen X.Borg by 30%. So this item can make X.Borg's defense stronger in battle.

6. Ice Queen Wand

The last item to complement the Build X.Borg arrangement is the Ice Queen Wand. This item can increase Movement Speed by 7% and can provide additional Magical Lifesteal of 10%, Mana of 150, and additional Magic Power of 75 which can increase X.Borg burst damage to make it even more deadly.

Not only that, but Ice Queen Wand also has a unique passive called Ice Bound. The passive effect of this item can inflict additional damage and can slow the opponent by 15% for 3 seconds, can be stacked 2 times.

Emblem dan Battle Spell X.Borg

As a Fighter role, of course, X. Borg must use a special Fighter Emblem set. Because this Emblem can provide additional Physical Penetration, Physical Attack, and can provide additional Spell Vamp.

As for some talent recommendations that can make X.Borg even sicker:

Talent Level 1 ( Bravery ): This talent can provide additional Physical Attacks for X.Borg by 12.00, at its maximum level.

Talent Level 2 ( Invasion ): This talent can provide additional Physical Penetration for X.Borg by 6.00, at its maximum level.

Talent Level 3 ( Festival of Blood ): This talent can increase the Spell Vamp hero X.Borg by 8%. If X.Borg manages to eliminate the opponent's hero, it can give an additional 1% Spell Vamp, up to a maximum of 12%.

As for the selection of Battle Spell X.Borg, you can use Spell Flicker or Arrival.

  • Flicker: This spell can teleport or move a certain distance in the direction you have specified. You can use Spell Flicker to chase opponent heroes who try to escape or escape from the pursuit of opponents.
  • Arrival: This spell can move places easily, Arrival can also increase X.Borg's Movement Speed by 60% for 3 seconds.

Well, that's the review of the article about the sick X.Borg Build in Mobile Legends. Hope it is useful!

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