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How to Fight and Counter Hero Esmeralda in Mobile Legends

How to Fight and Counter Hero Esmeralda in Mobile Legends – Hello friends 1 Mobile Legend, In the article that you read this time with the title How to Fight and Counter Hero Esmeralda in Mobile Legends, we have prepared this article well for you to read and take information in it. hopefully the post content Article hero, Article Mobile Legends, what we write can make you understand. ok, happy reading.

Title : How to Fight and Counter Hero Esmeralda in Mobile Legends
link : How To Fight And Counter Hero Esmeralda Mobile Legends

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cecepkocep – Esmeralda is a tank mage in the Mobile Legends Bang Bang game with a very good HP regen ability. In addition, he also has the ability to poke or repay the enemy’s blood which is very good because of his passive skill and first skill.
The most annoying ability of Esmeralda is the shield she has. Because his first skill will provide a shield with an amount in accordance with the total magic power he has. Not only that, another ability is being able to ‘steal’ shields owned by nearby enemies. Then the shield he has will be converted into HP. That’s why this Esmeralda has a very good HP regen ability. Read also: How to Fight and Counter Hero Granger Mobile Legends
So in this article, cecepkocep will discuss about how to counter (counter) the great Esmeralda of her heroes. However, before going into the discussion, it would be better if you read first about Esmeralda’s strengths and weaknesses. Because from here you can find the best way to counter Esmeralda. Curious as to how? Let’s see the discussion below.

How to Counter Esmeralda Mobile Legends

As I mentioned before, Esmeralda’s greatest ability is her enormous HP regen. The HP regen mechanism obtained by Esmeralda is like this: Skill 1 Esmeralda will give her a shield whose amount is determined by the magic power she has. Then this shield will be converted into HP by passive skills. Meanwhile, Esmeralda can also steal shields owned by enemies, including the skills and basic attacks she gives to enemies. That way the HP regen he gets will be even greater. You can see the skills possessed by Esmeralda here: Tutorial, How to Play, and Build the Latest Esmeralda Items in the Latest Mobile Legends Bang Bang 2022
One of the best ways to fight high HP regen is to buy items Deadly Blade and Necklace of Durance. Both of these items have a passive that can reduce the enemy’s HP regen by 50%. What distinguishes it is passive Deadly Blade will be active if you use a basic attack, while Necklace of Durance will use a skill. Deadly Blade is very suitable for use by physical heroes, while Necklace of Durance by magical heroes. You can see a discussion of Deadly Blade items here: Deadly Blade, Alucard, Ruby, and Alpha Exterminator in Mobile Legends

Apart from these two items, another way that we can use to fight heroes with high HP regen is to give them crowd control such as stun, knock up, or knock back. Then attacked with enormous damage. That way the HP regen from Esmeralda will be less effective.

From this we can see that another way to fight Esmeralda is to use heroes who have crowd control abilities and large burst damage. Here are the heroes that you can use to counter the Cecepkocep version of Esmeralda.


For marksman I recommend buying Deadly Blade so that HP regen from Esmeralda is not so effective. Here are some marksman that I recommend for Esmeralda counters.

1. Moscow

This marksman does have a very short shooting range, the shortest of other marksman. But the advantage of Moskov is that it has crowd control. In addition, his attack speed is very large, especially when combined with critical items such as Berserker’s Fury. Moskov’s best build item combination is Scarlet Phantom and Berserker’s Fury.

With this ability, Moskov can counter Esmeralda very easily. Because he has the ability to crowd control in the form of knock back. He can even give a stun effect if his target hits a wall or turret. That way the regen effect of Esmeralda will stop while the stun effect lasts. When it is stunned, remove skill 1 and basic attack, so the damage from Moskov will be very large, especially in the late game.

Directing the enemy to the wall is not easy, you need the right positioning. To minimize it, we can combine it with Badang or Grock because these two heroes can make walls. That way it will be easier for you to isolate enemies, especially Badang. To be even more effective, you must also buy Deadly Blade and other items such as Malefic Roar to penetrate armor and Demon Hunter Sword.

2. Karrie

The next hero we can use to counter Esmeralda is Karrie. There is no question that Karrie is the most effective marksman against tank heroes who have thick blood. Because the thicker the target’s HP, the more damage he gives. Moreover, the damage he gives is true damage that cannot be penetrated by enemy armor.

Karrie’s 1st skill will slightly reduce the regen effect of Esmeralda because it is slow. Then Karrie can give very high burst damage to Esmeralda. Of course Karrie can kill Esmeralda easily, especially when combined with the Demon Hunter Sword and Deadly Blade items.


Most mages have crowd control abilities, but the best crowd control to reduce Esmeralda’s regen effect is stun. That way the HP regen effect will stop for the duration of the stun. Here are some mages that I recommend for Esmeralda counters.

1. Aurora

Aurora is a very effective hero against heroes who have high HP regen. Because he has a very good crowd control ability, namely freeze. Enemies will freeze for a few seconds. In addition, the burst damage from Aurora is also very large, it can even be an area with its ultimate skill.

It will be more effective when combined with tank heroes as shields, then also buy Necklace of Durance items and other items that support burst damage. It would be better if it was also assisted with enemy damage dealers.

2. Eudora

Just like Aurora, Eudora also has very large crowd control and burst damage. He has crowd control abilities in the form of stun, then can penetrate the enemy’s magic resistance, as well as very large burst damage. But Eudora’s crowd control is single target, while Eudora can be in the area.

Combine with tank and fighter heroes for shields. Then also buy a Necklace of Durance item to reduce the HP regen effect from Esmeralda. Also combine with assassin heroes as executor.


To fight Esmeralda, try to use a tank that has crowd control. Because crowd control can stop the HP regen effect for a while. Here are some tanks that I recommend for the Esmeralda counter.

1. Minotaur

Minotaur is the most effective tank against Esmeralda. Because Mino has a very good crowd control ability, which is in the form of knock ups for a while. Crowd control from Minotaur is also are. With this ability, the regen effect of Esmeralda will stop as long as her ultimate skill runs.

2. Tigreal

Just like the Minotaur, Tigreal also has very good crowd control abilities. But unfortunately he is not in the current meta season. That way he is rarely used. Even though his ultimate skill is very effective in giving crowd control to enemies, including Esmeralda. Maybe the problem is that the crowd control from Tigreal is very easy to avoid.

3. Akai

Akai can isolate enemies with his ultimate skill. If Akai manages to attach the enemy to the turret or wall, then the target will be stunned. It would be better if combined with Moskov in order to provide additional stun. That way the combination of these two heroes is very good for fighting Esmeralda.


One of the best ways to fight Esmeralda is to use Deadly Blade and Necklace of Durance items. Then it can also be fought with heroes who have crowd control abilities and large burst damage. That way the HP regen from Esmeralda won’t be so effective. In fact it may be difficult when playing. This is just a theory and only done on a few matches. Maybe you have your own way to counter Esmeralda.

That’s the discussion this time about how to counter Esmeralda in Mobile Legends. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.

That’s the article on how to fight and counter hero Esmeralda in Mobile Legends

That’s an article How to Fight and Counter Hero Esmeralda in Mobile Legends this time, hopefully it can benefit all of you. well, see you in another article post.

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