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WR ML Counter on, Here's How!

WR Mobile Legends Counter – As a fan of mobile legends games, of course, you really want to join a well-known ML team, guys, but unfortunately to be part of a team is not easy, guys, you have to have a win rate of at least 70%. Of course, reaching this number is very difficult, especially for those of you who are new to the world of Mobile Legends games.

But don't worry guys, there's still plenty of time for you to practice and reach that number. Here what you need to know is how to calculate the win rate? Many ML players out there may still be confused about calculating the win rate or WL ML, therefore in this article, we will discuss it for you guys.

WR ML . counter

If you have to calculate your own win rate at this time then you have to use the formula. How is the formula, this time we will provide a way to calculate WR using a manual formula and through the site? Well, to start counting, let's just look at the following for how to calculate WR ml.

How to Calculate ML Win Rate Using the Formula

Actually, there is a way to be able to calculate the win rate, for the formula is the number of wins divided by the number of matches, if you have met the results, then multiply by 100.

The formula may be very simple, we believe you can use it yourself, guys, by looking at your winning results in history and seeing how many times you have completed. Then just stay at x100, guys.

How are you guys easy isn't it? But you know, right now, it's even easier, guys, to calculate WR ml by using a site called On the site, you only need to enter the total matches and total wins.

What is

You guys need to know, is a site that you can use to calculate the win rate instantly, you only need to calculate WR with easy steps.

For now, there are a lot of ML players who use it, this can be seen from the current number of visitors that we have recorded reaching 839 users. For those of you who want to try it, then this time we will help you do it easily.

So, if you feel dizzy with the formula we provided above, you can immediately take advantage of this site. Alright, without further ado, let's just check the following guys.

How to Calculate ML Win Rate on

  1. First, please visit the site here:
  2. Then you will be taken to the main page.
  3. There you will see 3 columns, guys.
  4. In the first column, your total match, please fill in the number of times you have completed, click the small up and down arrow icon on the right side.
  5. In the second column, your total win rate, enter the total wins you won during the match, enter the numbers by clicking the small up and down arrow icon on the right side.
  6. In the third column, you can fill in the fallow win rate you want, for example, 70%, 80%, or something else, fill in the numbers by clicking the arrows that go up and down on the right side.
  7. Then click " Results " at the bottom, then the results will come out and that's the win rate you get.
  8. Finished.

You guys need to know, the WR ML Counter tool, namely the site that we got from the social media application, was made by

For those of you who don't know your win rate yet, please just enter the site, guys, if you use a formula that feels complicated.

The final word

Hopefully, with the site as a WR ML counter, it will be easier for you to calculate the win rate in the mobile legends game.

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