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The Best Cecilion Builds and Tips on How to Play for GG

mrfdn – In the story, Cecilion is Carmilla’s lover. If the two heroes are on the same team in battle, then they can work together by bringing up special skills that only they can do, where Carmilla will enter Cecilion’s body and then get a buff shield until Carmilla comes out of Cecilion’s body.

When Carmilla came out, she could instantly hit the enemy.

Cecilion is one of the newest hero mages from Mobile Legends. He has an AOE (area of ​​effect) attack type.

If you are interested in playing it, please follow the following tips.

Mobile legends latest cecilion build

Cecilion’s Pros

Cecilion is apparently quite easy to use, how to use this hero is simple, basically the position selection is very important when launching skills (especially skill 1), so that the damage inflicted on the opponent is maximized. then get into the habit of learning to predict where the enemy will move so that skill accuracy is better.

All of Cecilion’s skills are in the form of area of ​​​​damage (AOE) and even this skill 1 can be spammed many times (as long as it lasts) so he can inflict mass damage during team battles/team wars. But if too often, you will lose a lot of mana.

Cecilion’s poke skill can be relied on to attack opponents. Cecilion has an area that is quite ideal as a mage, he can provide damage skills from a distance so it is safe from enemy reach but the potential for miss / miss is also quite high.

A reliable late game hero mage because as the level increases, the skill can kill the enemy, even just using skill 1 only 2 times.

Lack of Cecilion

  • Waste of Mana
  • Not having a good escape skill
  • Depends a lot on the team

Best Cecilion Build Items

Demon Shoes
Clock of Destiny
Lightning Truncheon (main)
Ice Queen Wand
Holy Crystal
Genius Wand

Cecilion’s Emblem > Custom mage > prefer to choose impulse rage

Cecilion’s Battle Spell > Flameshoot or Flickr or Sprint

build cecilion mobile legend, the latest sickest best

Tips and how to play Cecilion

When attacking, always take cover behind a teammate. Because Cecilion doesn’t have good mobility. That way the damage caused by Cecilion will be maximized.

At the start of the game, you shouldn’t be too aggressive as Cecilion’s damage only started when we bought Lightning Truncheon items, so play defensively until two core items are purchased. We can play more offensively by continuing to poke with skill 1 to reduce the enemy’s HP.

Because skill 1 is very wasteful of mana, use it only as needed or when you are in a critical situation.

Skill 2 will pull the enemy into the middle and give a slow effect. Use skill 2 first and then followed by skill 1. Skill 2 will be more useful when we want to attack several heroes at once, so use skill 2 as a set up to bring the opponent’s hero to skill sweet spot 1.

Skill 3 or Cecilion’s ulti can do live steals to the opponent if Cecilio’s blood is critical. Ideally, use skill 3 when it’s critical when being chased by the opposing team, and the distance is close enough so that when escaping we can deal damage + healing to increase the chances of survival.

Video how to play Cecilion for beginners

The final word

Those are tips and how to play Cecilion. I hope GG plays.

See all the list of the latest mobile legends hero names and the recommendations for the best build items.

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