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Magic Chess Synergy Combo and Quick Tips to Get It

The synergy combo hurts

Magic chess is a new game to set strategy in mobile legend. Activating Synergy as quickly as possible is the basic strategy for winning matches on the battlefield. When there is a different hero with a different faction or role in the field, the Synergy bonus effect will be activated. Only a good lineup can reach the highest position.

1. Combo Synergy Dragon Altar + Summoners
This combo is a new meta combo after the Magic Chess Kamarin update. This synergy dragon altar is the best synergy because when a team hero is eliminated, the team hero can get a shield and attack speed drastically making it difficult to defeat. And a Synergy summoner who can resurrect a lord so that this synergy combo is an unbeatable synergy combo and is guaranteed to be 100% autowin.

Synergy strategy 6 dragon altar + 4 summoners

  • Dragon altar: Sun, Zilong, Change, Akai, Wanwan, Ling
  • Summoners: Sun, Diggie, Zhask, Vexana

Tips to get it:

  1. Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
  2. Set the formation that suits the synergy
  3. Take advantage in the Round against attacks from capable monsters in the selection phase to take synergy dragon altars, physical items, hero upgrades or commander capacity upgrades.
  4. Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in magic chess

Also Read: Want to Quick Mitich??? This is the Hero Easy to Push to Mitich

2. Combo Synergy Assassin + Scarlet Shadow + Abyss
Combo Synergy 6 Assassin + 2 Scarlet Shadow + 2 Abyss is the best combo to defeat enemy core heroes because it has a passive that can attack enemy heroes from behind and has a 50% chance to activate 3 additional Quick Attacks while using basic attacks. Each Quick Attack deals 150 True Damage.

Synergy Strategy 6 Assassin + 2 Scarlet Shadow + 2 Abyss

  • Assassin: Saber, Lancelot, Gusion, Hayabusa, Karina, Ling
  • Scarlet Shadow: Hayabusa, Hanabi
  • Abyss: Argus, Terizla

Quick tips to get it:

  1. Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
  2. Set the formation that suits the synergy
  3. Take advantage in the Round against attacks from capable monsters in the selection phase to pick up synergy assassins, physical items, hero upgrades or commander capacity upgrades.
  4. Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in magic chess

See Also: How to Play Hero Ling from NOOB to PRO

3. Synergy Marksman + Celestial Combo
The synergy 6 marksman + 4 Celestial combo is a very powerful combo to overcome the current magic chess meta combo, namely the elf and guardian meta synergy. Synergy marksman has a passive that can increase the Crit Rate of marksman by 40% and deals 400% Crit Damage plus the Celestial Synergy Passive which can increase the Attack Speed ​​of all heroes of a team by 25%, making the synergy combo the most painful in magic chess mobile legend.

Synergy strategy 6 marksman + 4 Celestial

  • Marksman: Karrie, Moskov, Granger, Claude, Irithel, Hanabi
  • Celestial: Karrie, Zhask, Martis, Gatotkaca

Quick tips to get it:

  1. Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
  2. Set the formation that suits the synergy
  3. Take advantage in the Round against attacks from capable monsters in the selection phase to take synergy marksman, physical items, hero upgrades or commander capacity upgrades.
  4. Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in magic chess

4. Synergy Mage + Northern Vale combo
This synergy 6 Mage + 3 Northern Vale combo is the most painful magic damage combo in magic. Where the hero mage can provide additional damage of up to 125%. Plus the Northern Vale synergy which when a new battle starts, all Northern Vale synergy heroes will immediately deal damage by using their skills. This combo is very effective because it can immediately give large magic damage when the new battle starts.

Synergy 6 Mage + 3 Synergy Northern Vale Strategy

  • Synergy Mage: Aurora, Esmeralda, Alice, Change, Harith, Odette
  • Synergy Northern Vale: Aurora, Freya, Masha

Quick tips to get it:

  1. Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
  2. Set the formation that suits the synergy
  3. Take advantage in the Round against attacks from capable monsters in the selection phase to pick up synergy mages, magical items, hero upgrades or commander capacity upgrades.
  4. Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in magic chess

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