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Kimmy's latest build is the sickest hero that has been extinct for a long time

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Today I will give you more info about Mobile Legends heroes for sure. This time I will give Build Kimmy Sick Hero That Long Extinct in Mobile Legends.

Build Kimmy Sick 2021

Hero Kimmy is a hero who has two roles, namely mage and marksman. Kimmy’s basic attack is included in physical damage while Kimmy’s skill includes magical damage. For the difficulty level of this hero, it is quite easy to use and Kimmy can move while shooting when using her skills. In addition, Kimmy has a Maximum Change which is useful for targeting distant enemies or opponents who are trying to escape. Tips from Kimmy, you can maximize the level of skill 1, then skill 2. Upgrade to Ultimate when available. Kimmy’s first skill is Kimmy’s main skill that deals damage, so upgrade the skill level first. Although Kimmy is now rarely in demand by mobile legend players, but if Kimmy is used by the user, Kimmy will become a very scary hero. Therefore I will give Build Kimmy Sick 2022 in Mobile Legend, Check this out.

The following items are Hero Kimmy Splat Queen.

Arcane Boots
The first item in Kimmy’s Build is Arcane boots. Now this shoe item can provide additional magical penetration damage. So this item can be used by Kimmy’s hero who can provide maximum damage skills. So for those of you who want to use Kimmy’s hero, you can buy this arcane boots item, guys.

Glowing Wand
The second item in Build Kimmy is a Glowing Wand item. This item is a magical item that can provide magical damage, additional HP and movement speed. In addition, this item can also cause a burn effect for 3 seconds to enemies affected by skill damage. When you get this item, you can use skills on enemies that can cause a burn effect and the enemy is dying for sure the enemy is eliminated because this glowing wand item gives additional burn damage and can increase when dealing damage again to the same hero in a short time for all skill from hero kimmy.

Also Read: Build Esmeralda Hurts in M2 Mobile Legend

Blade of Despair
The third item in Build Kimmy is the Blade Of Despair item. This item is a high physical damage item that can increase Kimmy’s Basic Attack Damage significantly. With this item Kimmy can deal very high Basic Attack Damage so that the opponent is quickly eliminated. In addition, if Kimmy meets an opponent whose HP is low, this item will increase additional physical attacks to Kimmy so that Kimmy can inflict very deadly damage on her enemy. So this item must be used by Kimmy because this item is the main item of Kimmy’s basic attack hero.

Ice Queen Wand
The fourth item in Build Kimmy is an Ice Queen Wand item. This item is a magical item that can cause a slow effect to the enemy. This Ice Queen Wand item is very good for use by this Kimmy which can do damage continuously to the opponent so it requires a slow item so that the opponent can receive continuous damage from this Kimmy hero. With this item Kimmy can give full damage to enemy heroes who are affected by the slow effect of this item so that the enemy can be eliminated. In addition to giving a slow effect, the item also provides additional magic power, Mana, Movement speed and also Magical Lifesteal so it’s really suitable for this Kimmy hero.

Holy Crystal
The fifth item in Build Kimmy is a Holy Crystal item. This item is a magic item that can increase magic damage power significantly and this item can also increase as the hero level increases. Items are suitable for Kimmy who can do a lot of damage to enemies, guys!

See Also: The Strongest Tigreal Build in M2 Mobile Legend

Blood Wings
The last item in Build Kimmy is the Blood Wings item. This item is the final magic power item from the Hero Mage which can increase the magic damage from Kimmy. With this item, Kimmy can give very deadly magical damage to the opponent to be eliminated, guys.

This is the build of the sickest Kimmy 2022

Items Kimmy Sick 2021

Ok, come here first, guys! Next, I will give you more info about mobile legend heroes. If there are suggestions for what hero guides you want to discuss, you can contact me via the contact form below, I’ll review the Hero Guides later, ok!
Hope it is useful.

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