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Build Zhask Strongest Full Damage 2022

Zhask is a Mage hero who has very deadly Magic Damage in Mobile Legends. This Zhask has enormous damage when in the Early Game. Therefore, making Zhask was able to play bars and kill opposing heroes very quickly in the Early Game.

However, to make the Zhask hero painful in both the Early Game and Late Game, then you must use the right and correct build. Want to know what the items are? Let's just look at the following review.

This is the Panitful Zhask Build in Mobile Legends 2022

By using the Zhask build, as shown above, it will be easy for Zhask to kill all his enemies very quickly. Well, for an explanation of the item, see below!

1. Swift Boots

Every hero in Mobile Legends definitely needs Movement items to increase their movements. Well, the Movement item that is suitable for Zhask is Swift Boots.

This Movement item aims to increase Zhask's Movement Speed ​​and Attack Speed ​​to make it faster.

2. Feather of Heaven

The next item that Zhask must buy is the Feather of Heaven. This item is a magic item that will provide additional Magic Power, Attack Speed, ​​and Movement Speed ​​against Zhask. By buying this item, Zhask's attack magic damage will increase in the early game.

This item also has a passive ability where Basic Attack will give 40% of Zhask's Magic Attack which is used as additional Magic Damage.

3. Divine Sword

If you want to make Magic Damage from Zhask even more deadly in the Early Game, then the last right Zhask item is Divine Glaive. This item is a magic item that will give Zhask Magic Power and Magical Penetration.

Not only that, but this item also has a passive ability where when Zhask's HP is higher than 70%, the unique effect of this item will increase by 30%.

4. Holy Crystal

To make Zhask even more deadly in battle, the next item to buy is Holy Crystal. This item is a magic item that will provide additional 100% Magic Power against Zhask.

In addition, this item also has a passive skill that will increase Zhask's Magic Attack by 21-35% which will increase with level.

5. Calamity Reaper

The Calamity Reaper is the next item that Zhask must buy. This item is a magic item that will provide Magic Power, additional Mana, Mana Regen, and a reduction in Cooldown time against Zhask.

This item also has a passive skill that can add 30 HP and Magic Attack against Zhask.

6. Windtalker

To make Zhask have the maximum attack in the Late Game, the last Attack item purchased was Windtalker. This item will give Zhask additional Attack Speed, Critical Chance, and Movement Speed ​​against Zhask.

By buying this item, Zhask will have a high enough attack and movement to fight his enemies in the Late Game Mobile Legends.

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