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Build Sun Bkent Tersakit Sun Best Build

Hello guys welcome back at bangudinpro review, thank you guys!
Today I will give you more info about Mobile Legends heroes for sure. This time I will give the Worst Sun Bkent Build in Mobile Legends.

Build Sun Bkent Hurts

Sun is a fighter hero who specializes in Underrated Push Damage and is rarely used. Sun has skill 1 which can throw his Golden Staff in a predetermined direction, dealing physical damage and causing a slow effect. Sun will create a Doppelganger to attack the opponent. In addition, Sun also has skill 2 which can perform an instant attack on a predetermined opponent, dealing physical damage and increasing sun’s movement speed. Sun also has the ultimate skill that can summon a Doppelganger that has 70% of its attributes. Meanwhile, each of their attacks will regenerate sun’s HP and last for 12 seconds. Even though the sun hero is underrated, in the hands of bkent, sun becomes very strong and scary. For that, I will give you the sickest bkent build, Check this out!.

The following items are Hero Sun Monkey King.

Warrior Boots
The first item in Build Sun Bkent is Warrior Boots. This item is an armor shoe that can increase physical defense and also increase movement speed for sun. These armor shoes can further harden themselves from the physical attacks of the enemy for sure.

Corrosion Scythe
The second item in Build Sun Bkent is a Corrosion Scythe item. This item is a physical item that can provide additional physical attack and attack speed along with movement speed. In addition to providing physical damage and attack speed, this item can also give a slow effect to the opponent. With this item, Sun can do damage along with attack speed so that the enemy is quickly eliminated and also this item can give a slow effect that can repay the enemy so that it can be eliminated.

Also Read: Heroes That Are Suitable for Solo Rank in Epic Hell Tier

Demon Hunter Sword
The third item in Build Sun Bkent is a Demon Hunter Sword item. This item is a physical item that can provide additional physical attack damage and attack speed. In addition, this item can also provide additional basic attack damage for users and every basic attack will give physical lifesteal. This item must be used by Sun because in addition to providing additional damage to creep minions and lifesteal, it can also inflict physical lifesteal damage on the opponent.

Thunder Belt
The fourth item in Build Sun Bkent is a Thunder Belt item. This item is a defense item that can increase physical defense and can also provide true damage. In addition, this item after using the skill, the next basic attack deals true damage to the enemy and the opponent and units around him receive this damage and also cause a slow effect to the opponent. This item also provides mana regen, HP, and cooldown reduction so that with this item Sun can do damage to enemies and also increase defense thicker.

The fifth item in Build Sun Bkent is an Oracle item. This item is a defense item that can provide additional HP and magical defense and cooldown reduction. This item must be used by this Sun hero in addition to providing additional HP and magical defense, it can also increase Shield Absorption and HP Regen so that Sun is not easily defeated. So this defense item is very mandatory for you to buy because it can increase defense and also speed up regenerating Sun hero’s HP because there is an increase in HP regen. With this item Sun is not easy to die and it can also make Sun’s hero a feared hero.

See Also: Build Mathilda Hurt

Queen’s Wings
The last item in Build Sun Bkent is the Queen’s Wings item. This item is a defense item that can provide additional HP, physical attack and cooldown reduction. In addition, this item can also reduce enemy damage. So this defense item must also be used by Sun because in addition to reducing damage it can also provide a high lifesteal effect so that Sun becomes an invincible hero, guys!. If you still need defense and lifestell, of course you can get it through this Queen’s Wings Item. With that, Sun will become a very deadly hero in all aspects of physical attacks, starting from Physical Attack, Critical damage, Item defense and lifesteal of course.

This is the Hurt Sun Bkent Build

Sun Bkent Items Hurt

Ok, come here first, guys! Next, I will give you more info about mobile legend heroes. If there are suggestions for what hero guides you want to discuss, you can contact me via the contact form below, I’ll review the Hero Guides later, ok!
Hope it is useful.

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