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5 Best Hero Picks in Mobile Legends Brawl Mode

Along with Classic and Ranked, Brawl is one of the most exciting modes in Mobile Legends. In this mode, he fights 5v5 in a battle area consisting of only one lane. Your task and your team is to win the game by destroying all enemy owned towers.

In this mode, you can choose between his two heroes used in the game. Well, if you're confused about which hero to use in Brawl Mode, here are we, a compilation of some of the deadliest heroes you can use when playing in Mobile Legends Brawl Mode.

Best Hero Picks in Mobile Legends Brawl Mode

1. Hanzo

Hanzo is the recommended hero to use in brawl mode. If you can choose between a Hanzo hero and another hero, we recommend choosing Hanzo for use in the game.

Why do you like Hanzo? Because this assassin hero has great abilities that will be very useful later in the game. Hanzo can attack opponents without fear of being attacked thanks to his Kinjutsu: Pinnacle Ninja skill.

2. Cecilion

Cecilion is our recommendation for the next deadliest hero that can be used in Brawl Mode.

Of course, it's easy for this mage hero to collect stacks, especially since there's only one lane in brawl mode.

3. Vexana

Vexana is also our recommendation for the next best hero to choose from when you get it in Brawl Mobile Legends mode.

Vexana's abilities are very dependable. Additionally, her passive her skill can cause an area explosion when successfully eliminating an enemy unit hit by Nether Curse.

4. Hanabi

One of the go-to Marksman heroes in Brawl mode is Hanabi. As you know, there is only one lane in brawl mode. Now you can maximize the reflection of Hanabi's attacks. Especially suitable for Hanabi build

You can easily take out enemies from a safe distance, as they are supported by

5. Odette

Hero Mage is indeed very reliable in combat in Brawl mode. Odette, in addition to Cecilion and Bexana, is another wizard hero with extraordinary abilities.

Odette's Swan Song skill can be used to its full potential as it has a fairly small combat range. Doing so makes it easier to win the game when using Odette.

So these are some of the deadliest heroes available in Brawl Mobile Legends mode.

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