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Best Hero Recommendations That Can Steal Lord in Mobile Legends

When in a losing position, one of the things that can turn things around when playing in Mobile Legends is Lord. The presence of God is able to pave the way for a team to achieve victory.

Well, on this occasion, we would like to tell you the recommendations of several Mobile Legends heroes that can be relied on to steal lords. Want to know who the hero is? Come on, just read this article to the end!

Best Hero Recommendations That Can Steal Lord in Mobile Legends

1. Balmond

Balmond is the first hero recommendation you can rely on to steal lords. As we know, Balmond has a skill called Lethal Counter that can deal large amounts of damage in an area.

With these skills, it will be easy for this strongest Fighter hero to steal the opponent's lord. But you need to make sure you use these skills at the right time!

2. Chang'e

Besides Balmond, Chang'e is another recommended hero that you can rely on to steal lords. With his Meteor Shower skill, Chang'e can easily steal the lord the opponent is facing.

It's just that you have to be more careful when trying to steal a lord using Chang'e huh. Because Chang'e is a Mage hero , so he will be easy to be executed by the opponent. The right position also determines your success in stealing the opponent's lord.

3. Moscov

The Spear of Destruction skill can attack any opponent along its path, including Lord. That's what makes Moskov you can rely on to steal lords from opponents, using his strongest skill.

Supported by the right Moskov build , of course it will make the damage produced by Spear of Destruction even bigger. If you don't have a Moskov hero yet, you can buy it using Battle Points or Diamonds. So make sure you've done the Mobile Legends diamond top up !

4. Xavier

Besides Moskov, Xavier is another hero who has skills that can reach all areas of the map. Xavier's Dawning Light skill has the effect of dealing massive amounts of Magic Damage to enemies along its path.

You just have to wait for the right time to use the Dawning Light skill so you can steal the lord from a distance. So don't be surprised if Xavier is one of the strongest Mage heroes in Mobile Legends.

5. Beatrix

One of the other Marksman heroes who can be relied on to steal the lord is Beatrix. As we know, Beatrix has a unique ability where she has 4 weapons with different abilities.

One of Beatrix's weapons that you can rely on to steal lords is Renner. Renner itself is a sniper weapon that can give pain damage to opponents, including lords.

You can find the right position and timing to steal the lord using the Renner weapon from Beatrix.

Well, those are some of the best Mobile Legends heroes that can be relied on to steal lords from opponents.

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