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Yun Jin's Best Weapon Recommendation - Genshin Impact

Combat in Genshin Impact can be chaotic at times, leaving those characters without any apparent power vulnerable on the battlefield. Support characters have unique skill sets, making choosing the perfect setting a series of experiments.

Mixing and matching what weapons work best is key, not only with your character but also with your own gameplay.

Yun Jin’s strength lies in his defense, conjuring shields while giving his entire team a serious boost.

Energy recharge is also a top priority because of the low-cost bursts it brings, giving it the potential for high-impact gaming at reliable speeds.

A defensive focus with elemental support gave Yun Jin a choice with weapons, but this choice stood out among the rest as the top weapon in his arsenal.

5. Prototype Starglitter

This polearm’s attack power might leave something to be desired compared to other weapons, but it makes up for it by having great synergy with the characters.

The Starglitter prototype has a high energy recharge rate, surpassing most basic bonus effects. Extra energy will make Yun Jin use elemental bursts and skills more often, the main source of damage as support.

When Yun Jin uses elemental skills, the basis of her style, her normal attack and charge damage will increase by 12%. Increased attack damage allows him to attack enemies while granting his team buffs, all from the safety of his elemental skill shield.

Unless you’re going to push for a DPS role or you’re very focused on attack power, the four-star option for Yun Jin is often more effective than losing money to gacha gods trying to get five-star weapons.

4. Staff Of Homa

The Staff Of Homa is one of Yun Jin’s most recommended weapons, and is a common choice for any character who wields a polearm weapon. Gaining love and admiration for its heavy stats and useful effects, this weapon has joined the Genshin Impact hall of fame.

Utility showed itself in Yun Jin’s hands when increasing his health by 20%, slowly increasing to reach a maximum increase of 40%. The staff effect doesn’t stand alone, you also get an attack bonus based on HP, which increases when your health drops below 50% to reach a 3% stack.

All those effects just complement the massive base stats it brings to the table, starting with 46 attacks, easy enough to deal with high-level enemies. Shifting Yun Jin to a secondary DPS role was an easy task with such a heavyweight weapon, even increasing critical damage by 14%, more than making up for Yun Jin’s support level offense.

3. Deathmatch

A four-star option for those who don’t want to use rolling resources for rare equipment, Deathmatch does the job without spending your wallet too hard.

Yun Jin’s role saw him bounce from fight to fight using his abilities to support his team, a task that required a reliable weapon when he was left vulnerable on the field.

Deathmatch is the best choice for players who are forced to circle the map, strengthening around two or more enemies. Once there are two or more enemies around you, Deathmatch will increase Yun Jin’s attack and defense, starting from 16% and going up to 32%.

2. Skyward Spine

Yun Jin is a rare character who works well with the Skyward Spine, clashing with most other characters due to his unique skills and stat array. The impressive stat it carries is base attack, 48 which deals massive damage when needed.

The bonus effect gave him an energy recharge of 8%, one of Yun Jin’s main requirements in his choice of weapon.

The real difference comes in a 12% increase in attack speed and an 8% critical hit rate jump, not only making him a more formidable combat opponent but also increasing his chances of activating the Skyward Spine skill.

When you land a hit on an enemy, you will have a 50% chance to activate the vacuum blade, take 40% of your damage and transfer it to an AoE attack.

The damage barrier that can be combined with your elemental burst creates a dangerous border around Yun Jin, a border that he can now attack at a much higher speed with a powerful weapon.

1. Favonius Lance

Favonius Lance has a unique ability to give you 44 base attacks, combined with energy restoration skills.

This skill gives a critical hit chance of 60-100% to regenerate elemental particles, which in turn gives you more energy to put in elemental bursts.

Yun Jin’s support skills are based on her ability to use elemental bursts consistently, buffing her team while dealing AoE damage to enemies.

Lance’s bonus effect had given him a 6.7% recharge boost, an acceptable decrease when his skills were taken into account.

Favonius Lance gives you the best of both worlds, a slow energy flow accompanied by massive drops that immediately let you rush into battle and buff your teammates.

As a four-star weapon, of course this is the most balanced weapon in terms of easy acquisition and utility.

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