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Wordle Answer Key 276 Today 22 March 2022

Wordle is a very popular word game today. Where you have 6 chances to answer a word for today. It can be said to find and remember vocabulary per day.

To play the Wordle game, all you have to do is visit the Wordle website at the following link: Link. Later you just play this game by filling the available boxes with letters.

There is also a way to play Wordle that you need to pay attention to.

  • Gray if the letter you write is gray then the letter is not used in the desired word.
  • Yellow, if the letter you wrote is yellow then the letter is used in today’s word but is in the wrong position.
  • Green, if the letter you wrote is green then the letter is used in today’s word and is in the correct position.

Next, we will discuss some grids or hints for those of you who don’t want to be spoiled by today’s answers.

  • Hint 1: there is a letter H at the end of the paragraph
  • Hint 2: Only has 1 vowel
  • Hint 3: Starting with the letter S
  • Hint 4: Associated with a voice or sound

Here’s Wordle 265’s Answer today on March 11, 2022

As is the habit of personal writers, always use the word “Horse” as a prefix, and immediately open 3 letters at once, namely the letters H and O which are in the wrong place but are needed.

While the letter S is in the right place. And there’s no need to replace it again. Next directly use the word “Slash”, in this word all the letters are in the right place but not for the letter A.

Because there is only one letter left that is not used and in the previous word no letters were used, then “Slosh” is today’s wordle’s answer. So Wordle 276’s answer key for today March 22 is “SLOSH”.

Wordle’s answer 276 today 22 march 2022

Thank you for stopping for a moment, see you in the next articles. Don’t forget to like the fan page Facebook Gamenoside. And don’t forget to check out the other latest wordle answers at the following link: Wordle answers.

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