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Video Game Museum in Ukraine Destroyed by Russian Bombing

The Russian invasion of Ukraine had a significant impact on the gaming industry. Even had to make the development of STALKER 2 suspended by GSC Game World because the studio is based in Ukraine.

Inevitably they had to move the game studio to the Czech Republic. Not only that, it is now reported that one of the video game museums in Ukraine has been destroyed by a Russian bomb attack.

Mariupol computer museum destroyed by bomb attack

This Russian attack destroyed the Mariupol computer museum. The destruction of this historical artifact is certainly one of the great losses of this war. According to Twitter account Software & Computer MuseumMariupol Computer Museum is a place that holds many historical objects.

The museum contains a collection of personal computers, consoles and other technologies that were developed between the 1950s and 2000s and have now been destroyed by Russian bombs. Most of the collection is Soviet-era machines, but includes some western consoles such as the Commodore C64.

Lost a lot of rare collectibles

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Ukrainian Computer Museum

Launching from Kotaku, this museum is also the home of collector Dmitry Cherepanov, fortunately he survived this incident. But unfortunately, now he has lost his home and the collection he built for 20 years.

The house of Dmitry Cherepanov may have been rebuilt thanks to the game industry’s aid to Ukraine, but given how old and rare some of these consoles are, the collection is likely irreplaceable.

This war between Russia and Ukraine reminds us that lives, homes and property destroyed may never be recovered. It is a pity that the game world has lost some of its history in this conflict.

Hopefully this war between Russia and Ukraine will end soon and the world will return to peace as before.

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