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Tips to Win 1 vs 1 on Free Fire (Top Player's Secret!) Games

One of the tips to become a rusher in Free Fire is to keep practicing fighting in Free Fire. Because the role of the character in Free Fire is the spearhead of the team.

Moreover, the rusher role also requires individual skills, where the potential to fight with one by one enemy is greater. Therefore, you need to practice doing 1 vs 1 battles.

Well, it’s just right! This time we will give some tips for you to win 1 vs 1 on Free Fire. So, let’s just take a look!

These are Tips for Winning 1 vs 1 on Free Fire

Oh yes, don’t forget to top up Free Fire diamonds, OK! Because by having enough diamonds, you can exchange them for the strongest character in Free Fire.

1. Use the Right Character

Tips for Winning 1 vs 1 on Free Fire

The first tip to win 1 vs 1 in FF is to use the right characters. That is, use characters whose skills are qualified to play alone or one by one.

Even though when doing battles in Free Fire, you rely on player skills, but you are still advised to use the strongest character in Free Fire, where this character is able to fight alone.

Well, one of the recommended characters is the Wolfrahh Free Fire character. This character has a skill that can deal massive damage to the enemy without stopping. So it will be very suitable if played for one by one.

2. Prepare Melee Weapons

Tips for Winning 1 vs 1 on Free Fire

Tips for winning 1 vs 1 in the next FF is to prepare melee weapons. Because when you play alone, and then found by the enemy, inevitably you will do close combat, so you need the best melee weapons in Free Fire.

Well, the type of melee weapon that is highly recommended is the shotgun in Free Fire. Because this weapon, apart from having great damage, the results of the shots can also spread.

So that will give you the opportunity to finish off the enemy. In addition, this weapon will also be very suitable for novice players when playing 1 on 1 in Free Fire.

3. Use Aim Correctly

Tips for Winning 1 vs 1 on Free Fire

Tips to win 1 vs 1 in the next FF is to use Aim correctly. The tips at this point actually depend on your playing skills, especially when using Aim.

Karen at this point you play fast, where you have to target the enemy’s head. The way you can rely on the scope to see the enemy’s position. After the target position is right, you can shoot immediately.

When shooting it you are advised to take a squatting position. The point is to avoid you being attacked by the enemy. Therefore, at this point you have to learn how to increase the headshot skill in Free Fire.

4. Pay Attention to Enemy Distance

Tips for Winning 1 vs 1 on Free Fire

Tips for winning 1 vs 1 in the next Free Fire is to pay attention to the enemy’s distance. So you have to see well where your enemy’s position is, either at a distance or at close range.

When the enemy is in close or medium range, you can rely on SMG weapons in Free Fire or Assault Rifle Free Fire weapons.

Meanwhile, when you are at a considerable distance, you can rely on the best sniper weapons in Free Fire. That way your game can be more flexible.

5. Use Gloo Wall Items and Grenades

Tips for Winning 1 vs 1 on Free Fire

Tips to win 1 vs 1 in the last Free Fire is to use Gloo Wall and Grenade items. These two items will be very useful when you play one by one, moreover, this Grenade item can blow up enemies easily and quickly.

As for this Gloo Wall item, it can be useful to protect you from enemy damage and can be a place to hide. In addition, you also lure enemies with Gloo Wall by shaking it.

Oh yes, what you need to remember to get Gloo Wall items is not easy. Therefore, you can rely on Mr. Waggor’s pet. The best pet for solo rank in Free Fire is able to issue Gloo Wall items in a few seconds.

So, those are some tips to win 1 vs 1 Free Fire. So, do you think there are any more tips for winning 1 vs 1 on Free Fire? If there is, don’t forget to write it in the comments column below here, OK?

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