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The Witcher 3 Easter Egg Finally Found After Almost 7 Years

Recently a YouTuber named XLetalis just found one of the Easter Eggs in the Blood and Wine expansion of The Witcher 3 game. This Easter Egg focuses on an NPC character named Vivianne De Tabris.

A Little About Vivianne De Tabris

Vivianne is an NPC that you will later meet for a sidequest. It is known that Vivianne has been exposed to a curse that makes her body change into a half-bird human form.

In short, Geralt offers help to Viviane to lift or heal the curse and make it back like an ordinary human. However, in exchange Vivianne will only have about 7 years left to live.

After the curse is lifted Vivianne plans to spend the rest of her life traveling the world.

A YouTuber named XLetalis found an Easter Egg where he had found Vivianne’s lifeless body. His body can be found in his lodging room on the Skillage map. However, this easter egg can only be found if you have more than 7 years and 2500 days in-game time.

Of course XLetalis hasn’t really played the game for 7 years. Here, he uses a console command or a cheat where he can speed up the time in the game to more than 7 years.

XLetalis also actually recorded Viviane’s last moment where she was walking towards her lodging room in Skillage after returning from Kaer Tolda. Interestingly, even though Vivianne is lying on the floor like a dead person, you can still interact with her.

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