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Shirou FF, Online Order Delivery Good Fighting

The emergence of various forms games on line is currently a challenge for Garena. This Singaporean vendor never runs out of ideas to make player feel at home playing Free Fire (FF). One of Garena’s ideas is to create characters Shirou FF.

Introduced through Advancer Server 2022, Shirou is predicted to be the strongest character in FF. Even though work hero it as an order introduction on linehis fighting ability is amazing.

Then, how is Shirou’s life story? What abilities does he have? Check out the full review below.

Shirou FF Garena’s Profile at a Glance

shirou ff skills

Shirou FF real world it doesn’t exist, but it has a stunning profile. This character is described as a 20-year-old handsome teenager with a burly body. He has a thin face, sharp nose, and sharp eyes.

Shirou is said to have a father who is good at fighting. His father’s ability also decreased into the hero. Because of that, his martial arts skills were honed since childhood.

One of Shirou’s dreams is to become a fighter like the figure of an expert Kla muay Thai. Kla FF is famous for his deadly punches. This character has 275 damage when it hits the opponent’s head.

To become like Kla, Shirou hones his skills by training in fighting at the Booyah Dojo. Due to regular practice, he also managed to master skills deadly.

Also Read: review-character-shirou-ff

Skills Shirou Who Fears Opponents

shirou ff real world

Shirou FF have passive skills called Damage Delivered. Skills it is able to detect the enemy’s location when Shirou is hit by his fire at a distance of 80 meters. However, skills it has cooldown according to the level. Here are the level details skills-his.

When your character gets an attack in a 50 meter radius, the skill will mark the opponent for three seconds. With this sign, hero can shoot first at the enemy. This shot can give 10% armor penetration. After that, happened cooldown for 60 seconds.

Skill level 2 can be issued when your character is attacked in a radius of about 60 meters. The skill will mark for four seconds so hero can give the first shot.

When shooting occurs, players will gain 30% armor penetration. Then, skills experience cooldown for about 50 seconds.

Attacks from opponents within a radius of 70 meters will be marked by Shirou for five seconds. Then, an additional 50% armor penetration given after you shoot the first time. After skills maximum use at this level, player must pass cooldown for 40 seconds.

When your character is attacked at a radius of 80 meters, skills Damage Delivered marks for six seconds. After the first shot, Shirou will gain 70% armor penetration. Of course, cooldown for 30 seconds must be experienced in this level.

Opponents that attack within a 90 meter radius are marked for approximately seven seconds. At this level, the first shot gets an additional 90% armor penetration and cooldown 20 seconds.

Attacks that come within a 100 meter radius from player marked within eight seconds. If you give the first shot to a marked opponent, armor penetration will increase by 100%. Temporary cooldown skillsit lasts for 10 seconds.

Shirou’s Strengths and Weaknesses

shirou ff garena

Shirou FF has many advantages that can terrify the opponent. However, some of its shortcomings can turn off the hero on the battlefield. So, you have to know the details of the advantages and disadvantages so that you are not easily defeated in the arena.

Here are some of Shirou’s strengths that you can use to win the battle.

1. Dual Function on Skills

Shirou has skills which has a dual function, namely marking the enemy as well as increasing armor penetration. If armor increases, the damage gets bigger. Automatic, defense hero from the enemy’s attack is getting stronger.

2. Cooldown Down

Cooldown on Shirou’s ability decreases as the level increases skills. That way, you can use skills continuously.

3. The Strongest Destroyer

Shirou has the ability to destroy armor all FF characters. When Shirou used skills at max level, he easily defeats several opponents at once. Because, vest the opponent has been crushed by skills Damage Delivered.

4. Able to Detect Opponents Camping

When in the arena, several opponents often settle in unseen places. They launch attacks from behind their shelter to hit your character. Well, this won’t happen to Shirou because skillsis able to mark the opponent who will attack.

B. Weaknesses

Here are some of Shirou’s shortcomings that you should be aware of.

  1. Skills Shirou can only be activated on opponents who have been marked for attacking first. The risk is, you have to be willing to take risks on the front line to get a shot.
  2. Marked enemies could only be seen by Shirou. So, the team cannot act when the hero get an unexpected attack.
  3. Addition armor penetration applies to the first shot only.

How to Get Shirou’s Character

Shirou bundle

There are two ways to get Shirou’s character, namely by buying bundle and search for free on events special.

1. Bundle Shirou’s character

To get the bundle, you have to login to the FF game. Then, make a purchase items via “Shop”. Hero Shirou in the “Shop” can be seen in the options package, bundleor character.

So you can buy package or bundle Shirou, you must prepare diamonds as much as 2,500 DM. The fee is included special bundlescharacter level up card up to 6, and hero banner.

So, how do you get diamonds? Currently, there are many sites that provide top-up services diamonds for games FF. Price diamonds varies—depending on service provider policy.

2. Get Free on Events Special

Garena often holds special events to release new games or just introduce characters. One of which is events titled Project Cobra.

Through events In this case, you can get some interesting prizes by completing the given tasks. The prizes can be in the form of bundle characters for free.

Shirou FF now a mainstay character player who want to always win in the arena. This character can also be combined with hero others, such as Miguel and Andrew. So what are you waiting for? Quick top up diamonds you and buy this character through the UniPin site!

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