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Recommended Best Ancient Roman Games Set in 2022

Ancient Rome was one of the most famous empires that ever existed, they were famous for conquering territories on almost every continent in the world. From the serenity of the agora to the gladiator fights at the Colosseum, to the entertainment industry making films set in Ancient Roman history, there are even some games, you know.

With iconic characters like the infamous Julius Caesar and ruthless despots like Emperor Nero, this list of fantastic games shows you why the story of Ancient Rome is such an engaging game.

Usually we provide recommendations with an ordered list, but in this article we will provide an unordered list, but most importantly this game is highly recommended to be played in 2022. What do you think? Let’s just take a look below.

Ryse: Son Of Rome

This game features the extraordinary story of a Roman legionnaire, Marius Titus, whose story is one of revenge. Marius seeks justice for his slain family, enlisting to fight against a rebellion in England.

He eventually learns that Emperor Nero is responsible for everything that befalls him and begins Marius’ rise as Damocles, an avatar of vengeance.

This hack-and-slash adventure genre game was launched in 2022 and proved gripping in its storyline and cinematic feel.

Despite some complaints about quick-time events, the game’s graphics are impressive and smooth, immersing you in an epic Roman tale like no other.

The Forgotten City

This RPG mystery game released in 2022 is actually an adaptation of the popular 2022 Skyrim mod that allows players to find out and master themes that involve time travel and time loops.

The Forgotten City follows the main character’s mission to help a woman named Karen to find her missing friend.

Your investigations lead you to the ruins of an ancient Roman city that magically sends you back to its former glory.

The city is full of mysteries and side quests that you can complete, as well as a mysterious law called the “Golden Rule” that turns its citizens into gold as punishment for their crimes.

Shadow of Rome

Shadow of Rome made by Capcom carries the third-person action-adventure genre, in this game you will be placed in a gladiator arena to fight enemies with terrible strength and agility.

The game is set not long after the assassination of Julius Caesar. Agrippa, the main character, is persuaded to join as a gladiator to save his father from execution for Caesar’s assassination.

A great conspiracy lies at the heart of the Shadow of Rome, and with the help of the future Emperor Augustus, Agrippa is in a race against time to complete Caesar’s assassination and free his father.

Rome: Total War

The third installment in the Total War series, Rome: Total War is another great strategy game set in the last years of the Roman Republic and incorporating the concept of real-time battle mechanics.

Sega recently launched a remastered version of the game, with the primary goal of remaining Emperor during the time of the Roman Empire.

Apart from starting with a Roman family, there are several interesting factions around the world to start your journey with. This expansion pack game, Barbarian and Alexander Invasion, stands out, with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play as Alexander the Great himself.

Grand Ages: Rome

Grand Ages: Rome is a strategy and city-building game that takes place in the last years of the Roman Republic. In addition to establishing yourself as a prominent figure, there are missions to construct buildings and establish Roman colonies for the Roman Republic itself.

Famous historical events occur throughout the gameplay, such as Spartacus’ slave rebellion and they can even affect your progress. Iconic historical figures like Pompey the Great and Marc Antony are also featured in the game, adding a bit more history and immersion.

Colosseum: Road To Freedom

Another gladiator game, Colosseum: Road To Freedom has you playing as a slave forced to train day after day to win tournaments for freedom.

The Colosseum allows for customization of the character of your choice, as well as multiple endings depending on your decision. There is an opportunity for you to participate in training sessions to improve and learn new skills before the fight officially starts.

Caesar 4

The fourth iteration of the city building game series, the release of Caesar 4 in 2006 saw an attempt to use realistic 3D game mechanics, as well as historical accuracy in depicting everyday life in Ancient Rome.

Divided into three distinct periods, the main campaign centers around Ancient Rome as a Republic, and then an Empire. As you build cities, your rank and title will naturally rise until you reach Praetor (Republican) and Consul (Imperial) status.

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