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How to Hack FF 2022 Account

How to Hack FF Account
How to Hack FF Account – Until now, the Free Fire game is still popular and exists among fans of battle royale themed games.

Especially in Indonesia itself, the Free Fire game has an increasing number of users every year.

What’s more, the Free Fire game is a game that is very popular among bar-crawlers.

With the increasing number of Free Fire game users, more and more players will play using dirty methods.

Cheats committed by irresponsible players have often been found, ranging from users of in-game cheats, diamond cheats, to hacking or hijacking other people’s FF accounts.

Cheating players in the Free Fire game have been around since the game was just released and there are always ways they can cheat.

The most troubling thing for now for other players, is the frequent loss of Free Fire accounts suddenly.

Of course this was caused by hackers who hijacked other people’s Free Fire accounts.

Discussion on How to Hack FF Accounts

Hijacking or hacking someone else’s FF account is a fraudulent and illegal act, because it is very detrimental to the owner of the hijacked account.

Hacking an FF account like this aims to seize someone else’s Free Fire account, so that it can become the property of the hacker for free.

Free Fire accounts that are the target of account hijackers, namely sultan accounts that have expensive skins.

Supported by the sophistication of existing technology, the perpetrators of this FF account hijacking have become easier to carry out their actions.

And it’s easy to get the latest information about how to hack FF accounts they can access directly via the internet.

One way that is often used by FF account hijackers is to use phishing tricks.

For those of you who are curious and want to know about how to hijack other people’s FF accounts, you can see directly the contents of this article until it runs out.

How to Hack FF Account

How to Hijack FF Accounts Through Phishing Sites

How to Hack FF Account
How to Hijack FF Accounts Through Phishing Sites

Phishing is one of the tricks to hijack other people’s FF accounts by luring victims to use tricks so that they will leak information about their accounts.

More and more FF players are wondering and curious about how to hijack other people’s FF accounts for different purposes.

We remind those of you who want to hijack other people’s FF accounts for any purpose, basically hijacking other people’s accounts is a wrong action and harms the victim.

To answer your curiosity, here’s how to hijack someone else’s FF account using a phishing trick:

  • The first step, you can download the phishing script at the following link. Click here
  • Then open the “000webhost” phishing web by clicking the following link. Click here
  • Then you can register first by entering your email and password in the fields provided and clicking the “Login” button.
  • You will get a verification message to your email address, then click the verification link for email verification.
  • Next, you can click the “Create Your First Website” button, then you can create a website name in the provided column (create a website name related to Free Fire so that it is easier for victims to fall into your trap).
  • Then you will be taken to the website dashboard page, scroll to the bottom and click the “Upload Now” button.
  • After that you can upload the Free Fire phishing script by clicking the “upload icon”, then click “Select File” to select the phishing script file and click “Upload”.
  • Please click the phishing script file that was uploaded earlier, then click “Extract” and give it a name.
  • Move the phishing file to “public_html”, then click “Change”.
  • Then edit the email.php file by clicking and holding the file for a while until a menu appears, then click edit and change the email there with your email, then click “Save & Close”.
  • That way your phishing web has been created and is ready to be distributed to targeted victims.
  • If you forget or don’t know the phishing web link you created earlier, you can enter keywords such as “”.
Victims who fall into your trap will fill in their Free Fire account information on the phishing website you created.

After providing their Free Fire account information, you will get an email containing the victim’s Free Fire account information in detail.

That way you can take over the Free Fire account by logging in to the account and changing the password.

The final word

That’s the information we can share with you about how to hijack your FF account and how to create a phishing website.

Cheating in playing the Free Fire game is an illegal act and can harm other Free Fire players.

Don’t be easily provoked to provide detailed information about your Free Fire account on illegal websites in the name of the Free Fire game.

That’s the whole content of our article this time about how to hack FF account. That’s all and good luck.

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