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Find out PUBG P90 Specifications and Tips for Mastering It

Tencent Games together with PUBG Corporation have never stopped innovating to satisfy players. One of them is by presenting maps with their own uniqueness. One of them is Livik. Like other maps, in Livik you can also find special weapons that can only be used in this map, namely P90 PUBG.

PUBG P90 Weapon is one of the 2 special weapons in the Livik map. Together with MK12, you can engage in tense super-fast battles. With only 52 players, Livik will present an epic battle between 52 players and you can choose the P90 as your main weapon.

PUBG P90 Weapon Specifications

pubg p90 gun

In the included description, P90 PUBG described as a weapon that uses 9 mm bullets and can accommodate 50 rounds in its magazine. P90 has shooting mode single, burst and full auto firing. With its high rate of fire and capacity, P90 PUBG claimed to be the perfect weapon for you to take to battle in Livik.

With almost similar specifications, the P90 is often compared to the Vector, although in terms of damage, P90 PUBG damage still lower at 31 (Vector has damage points by 32). To strike the head without a helmet, P90 PUBG has 53 points. Again, only 1 point different from the Vector damageis 54 points. Likewise from the side recoilthere is not too much difference between the two.

The single most striking thing that sets the P90 apart from the Vector is its capacity magazine-his. Because it has a large enough capacity, the P90 cannot increase its bullet capacity like the Vector.

PUBG P90 attachments are fewer in number than Vector. If Vector can be fitted with 5 kinds attachments, you can only use 3 types for P90. The three types of attachments are grip, muzzle and scope. Because scope 8x can only be used for DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) and sniper weapons, you can’t use it for P90. Besides scope 8x, you can use all kinds scope which exists. To support you in close combat, the P90 can be equipped grip containing laser sight. In just 3.3 seconds, you can reload your weapon and start attacking again. Pretty promising, right?

Tips for Playing P90 PUBG to Get Chicken Dinner

p90 pubg damage

Knowing the weapon specifications alone is not enough to obtain chicken dinner do you want. There are certain tricks and tips that must be mastered so that you can easily win the battle. Check out some of them below!

tricks and tips.

1. Take advantage of P90 to Win Close Combat

As one of two weapons that can only be used on the Livik, the P90 is equipped with 9 mm rounds. Combined with capacity magazine the big one is 50 bullets and firing rate capable, the P90 will be very deadly if used for close combat or close combat.

2. Take advantage of Attachments which exists

in terms of recoil vertically or horizontally, the P90 is not much different from the Vector. By using attachments as scope 2x, holosight and red dot, do close combat only. Avoid mid-range combat with the P90.

3. Reduce Recoil Shot This Way

While waiting for the enemy to fall, you can take a prone position. It is useful for lowering recoil shot. If your accuracy is good, it only takes 0.33 seconds to make the enemy lie down. So that the shot is more stable, attach P90 PUBG you with vertical foregrip.

Facts You Should Know About P90 in Real World

pubg p90 gun

Like most other weapons in BATTLEGROUND, the P90 also holds a variety of unique facts. For you fans of this weapon, there are some interesting facts that you should know.

1. Popular For Its Light Weight and High Accuracy

If you often play shooting games, you will know how high the accuracy of the P90 is. In addition, there is another advantage of this weapon, namely its light weight. In the real world, the P90 is made using a polymer material that can withstand shocks. Soldiers could even easily control it by hand. It’s no wonder that many game manufacturers make it their main weapon inspiration.

2. Getting Better with Attachments right

To optimize its performance, the P90 can be fitted with various types attachments. User can pair muzzle SMG, scope 1x to scope 6x dan laser sight.

For better accuracy, users can pair compensator on muzzle-his. With recoil low, the enemy will have difficulty defeating the user on the battlefield. Users can also take advantage of scope 2x to optimize the P90 in close combat.

3. Weapons In-request Direct by NATO

The P90 is a weapon made by FN Herstal, a Belgian company for use by soldiers on the last line of defense. This weapon was also made at the request of NATO who wanted to replace the 9×19 bullet weapon.

Many players are curious about the number code behind the P90 name. This is because the weapon was first produced in the 90s. Currently, P90 weapons are used by police and military in various countries around the world including the United States, Malaysia, India, Austria, Brazil and Canada.

Since 2005, the P90 underwent a design change and was used for shooting competitions called the PS90. This new design features a longer barrel than the previous design.

This is complete information about PUBG P90 weapons. In addition to choosing weapons that are suitable for the battlefield, don’t forget to complete your game with a variety of things items and skin for your weapon. It’s very easy. Enough top up diamonds Your PUBG on UniPin. UniPin provides a variety of vouchers games with varied nominals that you can choose according to your needs. Come on top up on UniPin right now!

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