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Call of Duty's Best Weapons List for More Powerful Games

CODM weapons are an important key for players to be able to conquer the enemy and win the battle. Call of Duty itself provides a wide selection of weapons that you can use for close and long range combat. All you need to do is choose the best CODM weapon.

Before making a choice CODM weapons hurtyou can see the list below!

Call of Duty Mobile’s Ultimate Weapon

best codm guns

The main weapon is a weapon that can usually be found early on when you start the game. Even so, you can do upgrade as your level increases. The main weapons in Call of Duty consist of several types, including:

Assault Rifle

On the battlefield, assault rifle is a weapon that must be owned by all soldiers. Combining various ranges and damage output, this type of weapon also has extraordinary maneuverability. Some of the options you can choose from are AK117, AK47, ASM10, BK57, LK24 to M16. All of these weapons can beunlock at different levels.

Sniper Rifle

His long-range aiming ability makes sniper as one of the best CODM weapons. Sniper rifle It is also known for its power, accuracy and zoom which allows players to kill at a distance that other weapons cannot reach.

Choice sniper rifle The best ones include Arctic 50 (suitable for players who like high mobility), M21 EBR, DL-Q33, and XPR-50 which have fire rate highest in this category.

Light Machine Gun

Known by another name LMG, this weapon has the best performance when used for medium-range or mid-range combat mid-range. You might have a hard time fighting in style run-and-gun. However, if you know the right angle, LMG can give you great flexibility and opportunities. Some of the best choices in this category are the UL 736, RPD, S36, and M4LMG.

Submachine Gun

SMG CODM Weapons really won’t give damage which is great if used for long range attacks. However, this type of weapon will provide a high rate of fire and speed for close combat. Several choices of CODM weapons are sick in the category submachine gun are Cordite, RUS-79U, Pharo, and MSMC.


Although not very useful at long range, the shotgun is very deadly at close range. Shotguns can be cocked manually and some are semi-automatic. Some types of pain that you can choose to win the battle are BY15, HS0405, KRM-262, HS2126, and Striker.

Call of Duty Mobile Secondary Weapon

codm gun hurts

To support the game, Call of Duty also provides various types of additional weapons or secondary weapons, namely:


While not the best choice, pistols have their uses. The Magnum 44, for example, has a lot of range in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. On the mobile version, you can also use it. Apart from Magnum 44 (which became J358 in Call of Duty Mobile), there is a MW11 (formerly known as Colt M1911) that you can use.


Possessing a devastating explosive ability, emergence launcher will change the game. Find launcher at the end of the game battle royale because usually the enemy would not suspect because they were busy hiding. The launchers that you can use are FHJ-18 AA and SMRS (formerly known as AT4).

Melee Weapon

This choice of COMD weapons can save players who are in an emergency situation, especially when you are in the middle of a horde of zombies. Kill them using military knives, axes and shovels.


More than just a weapon, equipment or additional equipment can also make your game even more awesome. Various enhancements will change the style of play while the use of explosives allows you to steal kill unnoticed by the enemy.

Optical Device

Sometimes, the shot with the weapon doesn’t align or there’s an obstacle that gets you into trouble. Add some devices that can improve the accuracy of your vision such as red dot sight, holographic sight, or tactical scope/dual zoom.


Looking for additional protection? You can use grenades to repel enemies. Some of the options include semtex, trip minesmoke grenades, and EMP.


All weapon series usually present attachments additions to improve its performance, starting from extended magic that looks up to foregrip which can improve accuracy. Besides, there are still laser sight, quick draw, silencer, until long barrel.

Looking for Dual CODM Weapons? Here’s How!

In Call of Duty, there is something called Akimbo Perk. Akimbo Perk basically lets you have CODM weapons that can be dual. This means that you can hold two weapons at once. By having two weapons in your right and left hands, your shooting speed will also increase.

Akimbo Perk will be very useful if you act as entry Fragger or rusher. You will have good mobility and good kill time. Since the bullets came out of two guns at once, then damageit will also get bigger.

Getting Akimbo Perk is very easy. All you have to do is do kill on 3 enemies without dying 30 times. Keep in mind that you have to die after killing 3 enemies later respawn, kill 3 more enemies, then die and try again. You don’t need to spend 3 to 4 games to complete this task. Play mode hardpoint You will also get the Shipment Map and Akimbo Perk.

That’s the complete information about weapon CODM. Please note that the list of weapons may be growing. Therefore, make sure you always update the information so that you can still win the battle.

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