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Best Member Team For Arataki Itto - Genshin Impact

When teaming up with Arataki Itto, it is very important to understand that he will serve as the main DPS unit. Because with claymore most of Itto’s skills are needed and the fact that his damage can be increased based on his defense.

Although there are many suitable characters on Itto’s side, finding the right character is quite difficult and if you plan to use this geo element user, then the number of successes in Genshin Impact is very high.

There are optimal options for teams and secondary options, but with a gacha game like Genshin Impact, it almost always depends on who you want to be. Well, in this article we will provide some of the best members to work with Arataki Itto, if you are curious, just take a look below.

1. Gorou

When it comes to support units, the number one choice is Gorou. Why is that? because in some ways he is very similar to Arataki Itto. Firstly, he is also a geo element user, and he also uses a bow.

He deals bonus defense and geo damage which means he’s the perfect team for Itto.

By increasing Itto’s defense, Gorou also increases the character’s damage, which is in addition to the increased geo damage he already deals. The synergy between the two isn’t real and it’s clear they were both designed to share the same thing.

2. Albedo

Albedo can serve as a sub-DPS and function as a geoelement battery for the team. He also happens to be able to increase defense which is not too different from Arataki Itto.

Area of ​​effect attack The albedo called Flower Explosion will pulse after being detonated and provide geo-energy to other characters in the area, meaning she can deal damage as well as function as a support character.

3. Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun is highly recommended to team up with Arataki Itto, and you could argue that he is the most important character.

Raiden Shogun serves as primary battery team assigned to expend a lot of energy. Amazingly, even though Raiden became primary batteryif Albedo is in the team, then she can also function as a secondary DPS, you know.

Attack Elemental Burst hers shows her versatility when dealing massive damage to enemies, and at the same time, granting energy recovery to teammates.

4. Bennett

At first glance, Bennett doesn’t seem like a typical support character. However, his Elemental Burst can heal teammates, and grants increased buffs based on the basic attack of the combination of weapons and levels.

This means that building it to function as a kind of DPS character, thus making Bennett a better healer and support character.

Maybe at first you will find it difficult to understand and take advantage of him, but if studied then you will understand, even he can become a potential team member for Arataki Itto.

As we know, Genshin Impact, if it has a weakness, will make the game feel repetitive at times. But Bennett provides a different experience, where he can make the game more entertaining and fun.

5. Ningguang

As a sub-DPS, the most important thing this role can give is damage. Luckily Ningguang fits that well as he is equipped with consistent automatic attacks that work in tandem with his elemental skills and geo-elemental explosions.

This elemental synergy with Itto means Ningguang can take advantage of the Geo user buff given by Itto after using Royal Descent: Behold, Itto the Evil! Each team member whose element is Geo will experience a skill cooldown for 1.5 seconds.

This applies to every other Geo user. If needed, Ningguang can also function as a battery for geo-focused teams, especially those with high constellations.

6. Xinyan

The last character recommendation is Xinyan. This character is the second choice for roles in the team and the second best choice in terms of battery. He’s a pyro claymore that fits his punk metal aesthetic.

In terms of team compatibility, Arataki Itto can help build a stronger shield when he deals damage as a non-geo user.

Raiden Shogun may not be so suitable as the main choice in terms of battery, but not for Xinyan. Even the slightest synergy can go a long way in making the team at Genshin Impact functional and effective.

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