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The Most Dangerous Hero Counter Cyclops Mobile Legends

Cyclops Mobile Legends is one of the mage heroes that has roaming and farming abilities. This is thanks to its ability to increase the movement speed of the second skill. For more details, just take a look at the full review of Cyclops Mobile Legends below.

Cyclops Mobile Legends

The following is more information about Cyclops Mobile Legends in full.


As a hero mage, Cyclops has quite a number of roles, namely ganker, burst damager, nuker, and carry. At the beginning of the game, you can spam as many skills as possible to your opponent (become a nuker) so that your opponent is dying and doesn’t dare to do much like farming last hits or ganking to another lane. You can do this when you are dealing with a hero who doesn’t have a nuke skill like Cyclops itself.

Cyclops is one of the mage heroes who must have a buff in the forest. This is because you have to maximize the cooldown reduction on the Cyclops hero by 40% so you can spam all Cyclops skills with almost no cooldown. Always use the second skill first then use the first skill to hit the enemy. By applying this Combo, all Cyclops skills can seem to have no cooldown.


Cyclops is very appropriate if you choose Solo Mid Lane or Solo Lord’s Lane. In order to be a carry in the late game, you need a high level and Gold Per Minute. Therefore, you must be Solo at the beginning of the game. Not only that, Cyclops has very fast farming abilities. That way, Solo Lane is not a problem for this hero mage.

If you fill Solo Mid Lane, you should not forget to do ganking to another lane. This can be fatal to your opponent if you manage to kill one or two opposing heroes at once when ganking. Cyclops’ ultimate skill is the best skill when ganking. This skill can lock the opponent and make him unable to walk for a few seconds. If followed up by the team, at least you can kill one opponent hero.

Battle Spell

Battle Spell Flicker is the most appropriate choice considering that Cyclops does not have a good defense mechanism. By using this Flicker, you can dodge or escape when you want to ganking or chasing your opponent.

Cyclops can actually kill forest creeps quickly. It’s just that, if you want to be even faster and quickly dominate at the beginning of the game, then use Battle Spell Retribution. If you can dominate your opponent at the beginning of the game and have great potential in the late game.

Hero Counter Cyclops Mobile Legends

Here is the Cyclops Mobile Legends hero counter that can stop the roaming action. Therefore, you have to be careful with the heroes below when playing Cyclops Mobile Legends.


As a hero assassin who has speed in moving, Karina never backs down in killing her opponents. This Karina hero also has the ability to match the fast movement of Cyclops obtained from the effect of his second skill. Karina, who can move very quickly, can easily hit Cyclops using her ultimate skill and deal very painful damage.

When Cyclops utilizes the ultimate skill, Karina can easily dodge it using her first skill. Not only to increase movement speed and provide additional damage from basic attacks, this skill is also useful for providing an immune effect for a while. Avoiding Karina’s hero is not easy. Even if there is a hero tank protecting him, Cyclops with low remaining HP will automatically become the target of his ultimate skill and end up being killed.


Hero marksman this one has the ability to counter Cyclops’ ultimate skill. When Cyclops is in a state of urgency and uses his ultimate skill on Miya, this hero can avoid it easily because it is helped by the effects of his ultimate skill. This skill has the effect of increasing movement speed and making Miya in stealth mode for a few seconds. In stealth mode, Miya cannot be seen or taken any damage.

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