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The Best Valir Item Recommendations for META Right Now

Valir is hero mage in Mobile Legends game which is currently often used thanks to its strong enough ability to deal with enemy heroes. With the ability that belongs to over powerValir even deserves to be in the 5th list hero mage strongest in
Mobile Legends games.

In META nowadays, Valir is often used as hero mage/support tasked with protecting hero core your teammates. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you are later told to buy roam items when using Valir, because it was natural to do it as hero support.

To maximize the performance of your Valir, this time I will share the right item recommendations for Valir. The items that I will explain here are very suitable for Valir support.

The order of the items is as follows:

For those of you who are still confused about the use of each of these items, please see the discussion below.

Demon Shoes

Demon shoes
is a shoe item that can provide additional where continuously to hero that you use. This shoe item is very mandatory for Valir to use, because with this item Valir can do spam skillscontinuously without worrying about running out where.

Glowing Wand

Valir can’t be over power without items glowing wand. This item is a must-have item for Valir with its passive effect that can do
burn to the enemy. That effect would be a perfect match when paired with Valir’s burning ability (burn) enemy heroes slowly.

With items glowing wandValir can have an effect
burn so strong that a dying enemy would sometimes die by themselves.

Necklace of Durance

Neclace of duration
is a frequently purchased item hero support. That’s because the passive of this item is in the form of a reduction lifesteal enemy by 50% so this item is very effective to use as a
counter hero which has lifesteal the big one.

Neclace of duration
good to use as counter hero with lifesteal such as: Esmeralda, Uranus, Thamus, Ruby, and Alucard.

Ice Queen Wand

Ice queen wand is an item hero mage which aims to create an effect
slow on hero target enemy. This item is very suitable for hero mage which has skills with
damage areaone example herothe one is Valir.


As hero mages, Valir will definitely always be the enemy’s target when doing war. Even though Valir already has an effect
crowd control from skills both, but still
hero this would be easy to kill because the lives of Valir were very few.

Therefore, the role of immortality it is very important for Valir that he can have a chance survive bigger when doing war.

Holy Crystal

You can actually change this item depending on the situation and conditions you face. However, I recommend you to use
holy crystal when using Valir because this item can increase damage you drastically.

holy crystal
can be used as an item tank killer additional blessings
damageits big so tank heroes that have a lot of lives can be easily eliminated with this item.

Emblem Recommended

Emblem suitable for Valir to use is mage emblem with an arrangement as shown below:

For talent emblemnya, I recommend you to use
magic worship because talent it can have an effect
burn addition when Valir issued skills to the enemy.

Spell Recommended

For spellI recommend you to use
flameshot spells.

Okay, maybe that’s all for my post this time regarding the recommendation of Valir items, if there are criticisms or suggestions regarding this post, please write them in the comments column below.

Thank you


Mage Mobile Legends

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