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Here's Hero & Item Build Counter Aamon! (Mobile Legends Heroes)

Hero & Item Counter Aamon

Since its release on October 26, Aamon has immediately become a
top heroes banned among high ranks. Hero with
role assassin/mage

this is indeed known to be very troublesome for the enemy thanks to its passive skill that can make it invisible when making movements.

Like Natalia, Aamon can sneak into the enemy’s rear and target
hero core easily thanks to the addition movement speed which he gets when his camouflage mode is active.

Not only that, this Aamon also has dealing damage large size and high mobility, thus making its ability classified as very difficult to overcome.

Those various reasons might have made Aamon now a hero
customer banned because surely no one wants to deal with
hero this one.

Then, does this Aamon not yet have a counter?

Want as much as anything heronya, there must be hero others who can overcome his abilities, and Aamon is no exception. Therefore, in this post, I will at least provide some hero & items you can use for counter Aammon.


1. Rafaela


Even though Rafaela is just supportbut who would have thought
hero can this be a good barrier to Aamon’s mobility?

Rafaela can easily detect Aamon’s presence with her 1st skill. Even if Aamon is using camouflage mode, his position will still be revealed if he is within the range of Rafaela’s 1st skill.

In addition, Rafaela’s 1st skill also has an effect slow which causes Aamon’s movement to be slightly hampered for a while.

That would certainly be very troublesome for Aamon, since he wouldn’t be able to
diving easily if the target is always near Rafaela.

2. Kaja


Similar to Rafaela, Kaja’s skill 1 can also be used to detect Aamon’s presence. Kaja’s 1st skill is very effective for detecting Aamon’s presence because the area is in the form of a fairly large circle.

In addition, Kaja can also immediately stop Aamon’s movements with
ultimatethe one with the effect Surpress. If it’s been hit
Kaja, Aamon won’t be able to move at all.

3. Saber


Still with mechanics like the previous 2 heroes, this 1 Saber skill also has the same effect, which can reveal whereabouts hero who were nearby, including Aamon.

Enough spam 1 Saber skill to do open map in area
bushand if Aamon is visible, then just brush it off with
ultimate. Because Aamon is hero assassin/mage who tend to have low HP, then the Saber skill combo is more than enough to kill him.

4. Sun


is hero good to deal with
single target assassins like Ammon. You can use a lot of Sun’s shadow later to deceive ultimate from Ammon.

In addition, this Sun is also very effective to do split pushso that your team can more easily do comeback.

5. Carmilla


Hero last entered list this time it was Carmilla. One of the supporting factors why Carmilla can become
counter for Aamon that is thanks to mobility as well as effects
crowd control from his 2nd skill which can easily stop the movement of Aamon.

Stun single target from skill 2 Carmilla is very effective at stopping Aamon’s movement. Moreover, this Carmilla is also classified as
hero with a low skill mechanic so you probably won’t need a long time to learn the skill.

This Carmilla also became hero main recommendation RRQ Lemon to be counter Aamon as he had said in one of the sessions live stream-his.


After knowing hero counternya, let’s move on to
counter items Aammon.

Guess what items can be used for counter Ammon? Check out the following discussion:

1. Athena Shield

Athena Shield

This item is highly recommended for you guys when fighting Aamon. Why? This is because Athena Shield own magic defense
very high which is good for holding burst damage the big one of ultimate Aammon.

2. Winter Truncheon

Winter Truncheon

Winter Truncheon very suitable for use
heroes soft like marksman and mage, because this item can provide immune damage for a few seconds so that
hero you can avoid various attacks that will be launched by Aamon.

Winter Truncheon It’s also very good to use agar
hero you are not easy to get attack pick off
from Aamon’s camouflage mode which is not easy to detect.


That’s my discussion regarding hero and
counter items Aammon. Keep in mind that all the contents of this post are the result of my personal opinion as a
Mobile Legends players.

Therefore, if there is something you want to add, then just write your opinion in the comments column.

Thank you


Assassin Counter Hero Mage Mobile Legends

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