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Anti-Dead Tanks! This is the Strongest Belerick Build in Mobile Legends

Belerick is one of the Tank Mobile Legends heroes who gets a buff in terms of mobility and durability in the latest patch 1.6.66 update. The existence of this buff can make Belerick's defense stronger. No wonder, if Belerick is always the target of the players when playing solo ranked.

In addition to getting significant buffs , Belerick also has deadly Crowd Control skills, one of which is Belerick's ultimate skill (Wrath of Dryad) which can throw vines, causing the Taunt effect to lock the opponent's movement for 2 seconds.

Well, to make Belerick's defense stronger, you have to use the right Build Belerick arrangement. This time we want to tell you the strongest Belerick Build in Mobile Legends. Want to know what the build arrangement is? Come on, just take a look at the following article reviews.

The Strongest Belerick Build in Mobile Legends

The image above is one of the strongest Belerick Build arrangements that you can use. If you use the Build array, then Belerick can easily withstand damage from a large opponent's attack. As for the arrangement and explanation of the items that you can use for the Balerick Mobile Legends hero.

1. Tough Boots

The first item you can use for Belerick's hero is Tough Boots . Because, Tough Boots has a useful stat when facing Mage heroes, which can provide an additional 22 Magical Defense for Belerick. The Tough Boots

item can also increase Belerick's Movement Speed ​​by 40 and has a unique passive ( Fortitude ) which can reduce Crowd Control (CC) duration by 30% if Belerick is affected by the CC effect of the opponent's attack.

2. Cursed Helmet

The next item for Belerick's hero is the Cursed Helmet because this item can make Blerick's defense stronger when entering the early game phase. The Cursed Helmet item can provide an additional 25 Magical Defense and an additional 1200 HP for Belerick. The Cursed Helmet

item also has a unique passive ( Burning Soul ) which can deal Magic Damage equal to 1.5% Max HP Hero every second to nearby enemies, damage can be increased by 100% to Minions.

3. Antique Cuirass

Antique Cuirass is one of the best Defense items that can minimize the damage of a large opponent's attack. Because, Antique Cuirass can provide an additional 54 Physical Defense , 4 HP Regen , and an additional 92 HP to Belerick. The Antique Cuirass

item also has a unique passive ( Deter ) which will activate if Belerick is hit by the opponent's skill ability, reduces the opponent's Physical Attack by 8% for 2 seconds, and can be stacked 3 times.

4. Oracle

You can rely on Oracle items to minimize your opponent's deadly burst damage attacks. Because, Oracle has a stat effect that can provide an additional 42 Magical Defense, 10% Cooldown Reduction, and an additional 850 HP for Belerick.

In addition to having good stats, Oracle also has a unique passive ( Bless ) which can increase Belerick's Shield Absorption and HP Regen by 30%. So that the opposing team will find it difficult to penetrate Belerick's strong defense.

5. Dominance Ice

The next item for Belerick's hero is Dominance Ice , because this item can strengthen the durability of Belerick's hero. The Dominance Ice item can provide an additional 70 Physical Defense , 500 Mana, and can increase Belerick's Movement Speed ​​5%. The Dominance Ice

item also has additional attributes, namely Cooldown Reduction by 10% and has a unique passive ( Arctic Cold ) which can reduce the opponent's Shield and HP Regen by 50%, and can increase 30% Attack Speed ​​for Belerick.

6. Immortality

The last item to complete the Build Belerick array is Immortality. The Immortality item has a unique passive ( Immortal ) that can make Belerick come back to life after being eliminated within 2.5 seconds, giving an additional 16% HP and can also obtain a Shield effect that can absorb 220-1200 damage, for 3 seconds. Immortality

items can also provide additional Physical Defense of 40 and HP of 800 to Belerick. Of course, by using Immortality, Belerick is able to last longer to help teammates during team fights.

Emblem dan Battle Spell Belerick

As the best Tank hero, Belerick is very suitable for using special Tank Emblems. Because the Emblem can provide additional HP, Cooldown Reduction, and can provide additional Magic Damage to the opponent.

There are several talents that can make Belerick stronger, namely:

Talent Level 1 ( Vitality ): This talent can give Belerick additional HP by 200.00, at his maximum level.

Level 2 Talent ( Inspire ): This talent can give Belerick an additional 8.00% Cooldown Reduction, at his maximum level.

Talent Level 3 ( Concussive Blast ): This talent can provide additional Magic Damage of 125 (+7% Total HP) to opponents around.

To use Battle Spell Belerick, you can use Spell Vengeance or Flicker.

Vengeance: This spell can deal with Magic Damage equal to 40% of the damage received by the attacker every time Belerick receives attack damage from the opponent. Spell Vengeance can also provide additional Damage Reduction for the duration.

Flicker: This spell can make Belerick move a certain distance. You can use Spell Flicker to chase the opposing team or perform Combo Skills with Belerick.

Well, that's the strongest Belerick Build arrangement that you can use to make Belerick's hero defense stronger. Hope it is useful! 


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