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Angela Hero For Solo Ranked in 2022

Solo ranked in mobile legends game not as easy as you think, is it possible? it’s possible that you play this game alone without a team, the important thing is that your abilities must be really honed for all hero roles, from support heroes to assassins because you have to fill in the blanks in the team that we get randomly later.
Hero For Solo Ranked Mobile Legends

Because the team that you will get is random, so we never know our team is good at what hero role? because most players don’t master all hero roles. However, playing in a team that usually plays together will be better because we know the type of game play we are playing in other words we are already connected to one another.

Solo Ranked, Don’t be selfish

The selfishness of players will bring the team to the brink of defeat because if you are selfish then in a team the hero role may be incomplete, for example because the selfishness of the team will play without tanks and it will complicate the game no matter how sophisticated your game is if without tankers then you will find it difficult to win the game.

If at the beginning of the pick hero there is already a selfish teammate, then when in the game our indifference to the player will appear, for example, the player was in the enemy gang, then we will be reluctant to help him.

To get victory when solo ranked, you have to follow the game and or request a teammate because if we are solo ranked usually we will meet a team that is book 3 or 2, Those who book 3 usually already have their respective hero roles, now for those of us who are solo rank, then we complement their shortcomings, that’s why from the start it is recommended to have all hero roles.

Why Angela is a Hero for Solo Ranked

angela hero solo ranked

The main reason why Angela is solo hero ranked is because Angela can control the entire map. Angela is a very deadly cute hero, yes the two reasons above are enough to answer your questions.

At rank mythic hero angela becomes heroes that must be banned but it’s different if you are still in epic rank below hero angela is still ruled out of use and passed into a banned hero.

Because most of them are in the epic rank, their style of play is still messy, meaning they don’t see the potential of the hero when combined with other heroes.

Sometimes Angela is also underestimated even though Angela can be a decisive victory for the team if used correctly, meaning that Angela users must really master the map and understand when is the right time to use her ultimate.

The use of Angela’s ulti has 2 strategic conditions, first if our team is going to do war, it’s best if we enter the fighter type hero, don’t enter the marksman hero role because usually marksman will keep his distance from the enemy, making it difficult for Angela to attack enemies or kill teammates.

the second condition is when one of our team is dying then that’s when we have to use our ultimate to save friends, but you also have to be good at reading whether our teammates will be saved if we help with our ultimate or we will be trapped and will be killed also.

Well that’s a little review and the reason why Angela is included hero for solo ranked mobile legends game bang bang in 2022 because in the future we don’t know whether this hero will be nerfed or something else. For how good Angela is, you can read in the next article, thank you for visiting and see you again.

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