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The Sickest Angela Mobile Legends Item Build 2022

August 28, 2022

4 min read

Build Items Angela Sick – Angela is a hero that can be said to be of low difficulty or easy to use by everyone. This hero is very useful when teamfight because it has the ability to protect all teams or friends with skill 3 or Ult which provides a shield or shield to all hero friends.

Angela in the Mobile Legends game is included as a hero with Support or you could say a hero who can help the team from behind who provides support when teamfights such as providing heal or blood or others. The support heroes themselves in the Mobile Legends game are starting to be liked by players because they are very useful for increasing abilities during war or teamfights.

angela build items

Angela has counter heroes like the following, Angela will be weak when she meets the following heroes: Martis, Natalia, Kaja, Harley, and Karrie, while Angela will be strong when she meets the following heroes: Alucard, Akai, Clint, Minotaur, and also Alpha heroes.

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Angela’s Skills

Passive SkillThe passive skill on Angela’s hero named Smart Heart this passive skill will be active if you use the skill and then the Movement Speed ​​of Angela’s hero will increase by 15% for 4 seconds, and can increase up to 30%, friend heroes can also feel the effects of this passive skill .

Skill 1, Skill 1 on Angela’s hero named Love Waves this skill is Restoration type. When you use this skill, your hero will launch an energy in the desired direction which will cause 170(+30% Magic Power) Magic Damage and will give a sign called Lover’s Mark. Each stack that accumulates on the opponent will increase the damage received by the opponent by 20% and will cause a 10% slowdown.

This skill effect will last for 4 seconds and can stack up to 5 times. This 1st skill can also restore HP or a friend’s blood with the amount of 100 HP. This skill also has a maximum charge of 5 charges.

Skill 2, Skill 2 on Angela’s hero named Puppet-on-a-String this skill is of Magic Damage type. When you use this skill, you will launch a puppet rope towards the specified target and will cause 350(+70% Magic Power) Magic Damage and will cause a slow effect of 80%. If the opponent is connected to the rope for 3 seconds, the opponent will be stunned or unable to move for 1.5 seconds and will receive 450(+60% Magic Power) Magic Damage.

Skill 3, Skill 3 or Ult on Angela’s hero named Heart Guard this skill is of Utility type. If you use this skill, Angela will collect an energy and will provide a shield or shield to a friend’s hero that can withstand damage of 1200 (+ 200% Magic Power) Damage of 6 seconds.

So for the selection of items, emblems, and spells, has a recommendation for all of you so that Angela’s hero becomes strong enough in the early game to late game.

Build Items Angela Sick

1. Magic Shoes

angela build items

The mandatory thing that all Mobile Legends heroes must buy is shoes or shoes because they can make it easier to chase opponents or avoid opponents. For your hero, we recommend the Magic Shoes item because Magic Shoes has +10% CD Reduction which can speed up your cooldown skills and also has a unique passive that is +40 Movement Speed ​​which can help in chasing opponents.

2. Enchanted Talisman

angela build items

The second item needed by your hero in strengthening skills is the Enchanted Talisman item. This item is classified as a Magic item and has a price of 1870. This item has an attribute of +50 Magic Power which can make your magic skills sicker and stronger when fighting enemies. , +250 HP or blood which can strengthen the ability to last longer, and also +20% Cooldown Reduction which can reduce the cooldown of your hero skills.

In addition to having pretty good and fairly strong attributes, this item also has a Passive Ability, namely Mana Spring which can recover 10% of your hero’s maximum mana in every 10 seconds.

3. Lighting Truncheon

angela build items

The third item is Lightning Truncheon, this item has an Attribute of +75 Magic Power which makes your hero sicker when using his skills, +300 Mana which will make your hero more durable during war because it has quite a lot of Mana, and also 10 % CD Reduction which will make your skills cooldown quickly.

In addition to the Attribute, this item also has a Passive Ability, which is every 6 seconds this skill will produce additional Magic Damage that will hit the 3 closest enemies.

4. Glowing Wand

glowing hands

The fourth item that is needed is Glowing Hand, this item can help your hero in terms of increasing magic power because this item has attributes, namely +75 Magic Power, +400 HP, and also +5% Movement Speed ​​which can help speed up the movement of your hero.

In addition to the attributes of this item, it also has a Passive Ability – Scorch, namely this skill will produce damage that will burn the target for 3 seconds, and will cause magic damage of 2-4% of the enemy’s blood or HP.

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5. Ice Queen Wand

ice queen wand

The fifth item needed by your hero is Ice Queen Wand, this item is included in the Magic item class and has a price of 2022. Ice Queen Wand has attributes that can help your heroes, namely +70 Magic Power which can increase the damage of your Magic skills. and also +700 HP or blood which can make your hero’s blood thick.

In addition to Attributes, this item also has a Unique Passive of +25% Spell-Vamp. In addition to having Attributes and Unique Passive, this item also has a passive ability, namely Recharge which will recover 10% of total HP or blood after killing enemy heroes.

6. Dominance Ice

angela build items

Angela’s sixth build item is Dominance Ice. This item is included in the Defense item class and has a price of 2160, which is perfect for holding damage from opponents. This item has several attributes, namely +500 Mana which can make your hero last longer with enough mana, +70 Armor which can make your hero have blood and defensive power when doing teamfights, 10% Crit Chance Reduction which makes attacks even more sick.

In addition to the attributes of this item, it also has a Unique Passive which is +10% Cooldown Reduction, which is this can make your skills cooldown quickly. In addition to Atribu and Unique Passive, this item also has a Passive Ability – Arctic Col which can reduce the movement speed of enemy heroes around your hero by 5% and attack speed by 30%.

Angela’s Emblem

To complete Angela’s build item in terms of our emblem, recommends that you use an emblem Magical or you can also use an emblem Support.

Angela’s Battle Spell

1. Flicker


Why we recommend Flicker, because Flicker can be used to move from one place to another but with a short distance. This can really help your Angela hero to run away from being chased or to be able to avoid the opponent’s Skill. Flicker cooldown is about 120 seconds and opens at level 19 Mobile Legends.

Some of Angela’s build items may help you in raising the rank of Mobile Legend to the highest rank.

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