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So Easy! How to Use Sensitivity Code Copy on PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile makes it easy for players who want to imitate other players' sensitivity codes by copying the code. Well, this time we will share how to use a copy of the sensitivity code.

As a battle royale game, PUBG Mobile presents realistic shooter game gameplay. Mastery of the use of weapons is the key to being able to win the battle in the game.

Every weapon available in PUBG Mobile comes with detailed specifications. It makes each weapon has stats so it requires a different way of using it.

In addition to the use of weapons in the arena, players also need to pay attention to technical issues that can affect the use of weapons, namely the issue of sensitivity settings and layout settings.

These two technical settings need PUBG Mobile players to pay attention to because they will affect whether or not they are comfortable using weapons in the arena.

How to Use Sensitivity Code Copy on PUBG Mobile

If you want to imitate the sensitivity settings of certain PUBG Mobile players, you can use their sensitivity code for you to copy and apply it on your device in an applicable way.

As a popular game that has millions of active players spread across the world, PUBG Mobile provides excellent features for social interaction between players.

It's not only a matter of communicating in-game but also with the various sensitivity settings used.

This sensitivity code is not limited to certain players. You can also get sensitivity codes from PUBG Mobile pro players.

To be able to apply a sensitivity code from a certain player, you can use a copy of the PUBG Mobile sensitivity code in the following way.

1. Know the Specific Player Sensitivity Code

Of course, to be able to copy the PUBG Mobile sensitivity code of a certain player, you must know the sensitivity code of that player. This is an absolute thing that you must prepare.

Not all players have a sensitivity code if they don't create one first. To code sensitivity, you can read more here.

By generating a sensitivity code, the sensitivity settings of the players have been uploaded to the PUBG Mobile cloud storage so that they can be accessed in general.

Most professional players have created sensitivity codes and shared them with the public on certain occasions. Therefore, if you want to copy the sensitivity code of a certain pro player, you can find out the sensitivity code of that player by following their social media accounts or through interview opportunities.

After getting the sensitivity code, you can copy it through the features on your smartphone or by copying it manually.

2. Go to Layout Management In Sensitivity Settings

After getting the sensitivity code from the player you want to emulate, then you can set it up in your sensitivity settings.

The trick is to enter the sensitivity settings in the PUBG Mobile game. Then press the Layout Management button on the settings page.

3. Paste a copy of the sensitivity code in the search field

When you press the Layout Management button, you will find a pop up menu that appears that says Search Method.

In the pop up menu, you can see the column that will be filled by the sensitivity code. Now, all you have to do is paste the sensitivity code that you previously copied in that column.

After that press the Preview button to see the sensitivity code that appears from the sensitivity code.

4. Press Use Layout to Apply

After seeing the sensitivity settings of the sensitivity code that you copied, you can finally press the Use Layout button to apply the sensitivity settings of the sensitivity code.

After pressing that, your PUBG Mobile sensitivity setting will completely change to the sensitivity setting according to the sensitivity code you copied.

Disadvantages of Using Sensitivity Code Copies

The PUBG Mobile sensitivity code copy feature is indeed a very useful feature in this realistic battle royale game. With this feature, players can apply sensitivity settings from their favorite players.

But what PUBG Mobile players should know is that the sensitivity setting is subjective. That means that each player has their own sensitivity settings that cannot be fully matched with other players.

So here's the downside of copying sensitivity codes from other players. Players who copy do not necessarily have the comfort of playing like players whose sensitivity codes are copied.

Comfort in this sensitivity setting can be influenced by at least two factors, namely the device usage factor and the player's gameplay factor.

For the first point, which is technical in nature, the devices used by one player are different from another, so they can have different effects.

Therefore, when a pro player shares his sensitivity code , he gives a statement at the beginning that he is using a certain device.

It shows that if his sensitivity settings are applied on different devices, it will not necessarily get the same playing comfort as his device.

The second factor is a matter of comfort, how to play from one player to another is different. This point emphasizes that the sensitivity setting is subjective.

One person's sensitivity settings are not necessarily absolute and can be used comfortably by other players. The size of the sensitivity setting is the comfort of playing.

Therefore, if you copy the sensitivity code from a certain PUBG Mobile player, try to keep changing it according to the comfort of your playing style.

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