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5 etiquette when you play online games so you don't get teased by others - games

5 Ethics When You Play Online Games so that you are not teased by others – This time we will discuss ethics as an online game player, You must apply this ethics so that you are liked by your friends. This time the admin discusses 5 times that you need to follow and obey, check and do it. Surely you have heard that the game world is called a toxic environment? Now this can happen because gamers themselves sometimes forget the etiquette of playing games and do whatever they want.

Starting from the habit of speaking rudely, not playing honestly (using cheats for example), to blaming each other if the team loses. Even though playing games can be very useful, you know if the players use the game wisely.

Here are 5 ethics when you play online games so that you are not teased by others:
1. Say thank you

5 Ethics When You Play Online Games so that you are not teased by others

Yes, thanks are important in many ways including playing games. The reason is that in playing online games you have to deal with many people and are required to work together to get a high score or to win the game.

So giving each other appreciation is important in order to create a comfortable atmosphere in playing. The word thank you is simple but full of meaning in appreciating and showing appreciation to other players.

2. Don’t be discriminatory or racist

5 Ethics When You Play Online Games so that you are not teased by others

In playing online games, you definitely don’t play alone. The players come from different countries, ethnicities or religions. But sometimes in playing online games, it is your habit to discriminate against players from other countries who are not on the same team.

Sometimes you find it difficult to avoid this, however, we need to know that discriminatory actions actually include cyber bullying. Therefore, be wise in playing games, in order to avoid things that are not desirable.

3. Don’t spam chat

5 Ethics When You Play Online Games so that you are not teased by others

Don’t spam chat including ethics? Yes, because how annoying it is when your teammates spam unimportant chats.

Currently, the use of cheats is highly criticized for harming other players, especially in multiplayer games. But these 7 modern games still faithfully embed cheats, you know!

If you want to send a message to a teammate, write it down as necessary and keep it short. Imagine if your teammates sent so many chat messages, it would be very disturbing the game and could not focus on playing.

4. Sportive (don’t cheat)

5 Ethics When You Play Online Games so that you are not teased by others

Cheats seem to sound normal in playing online games. But playing online games is certainly very annoying if your opponent uses cheats or illegal programs to win him over.

This is very unsportsmanlike and makes playing online games unpleasant. Apart from being considered cheating and being disliked by other players, sooner or later you will be kicked or banned by the game master or admin.

5. Don’t say rude

5 Ethics When You Play Online Games so that you are not teased by others

Wow, this seems to have become a general ethic, yes, but it must be applied in playing games, you know. If you say rude to others, it is feared that there will be revenge.

In addition, keep in mind that the ages of online game players vary, and it is possible that many children play the game. So by not being rude, you can also set a good example for your younger siblings.

A few of the articles 5 Ethics When You Play Online Games so that you are not teased by others.

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