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10 Hidden Easter Eggs in Devil May Cry 5

This time we will discuss Easter Eggs and references in the game Devil May Cry 5. Below you will find references that date back to DMC 1 in 2001, as well as other references from the Capcom franchise. Be careful because this discussion also contains spoilers.

In my review, I give the DMC 5 a 9/10 rating and say that: The DMC 5 is an improvement in style and mechanical strength over the previous series. The game sticks to tradition above all else, pursuing some ambitious ideas along the way, but maintaining the focus on the intricate and epic combat system.

Rarely makes mistakes, consistently raises audience interest and deep mechanics to dispel frustration. Meanwhile, the story exudes a charismatic charm that keeps you entertained consistently while using the skill. DMC 5 proves that this game series can still be brilliant and imaginative without a long tradition.

Did you find any Easter Eggs or references that I didn’t mention here? Let me know by writing a comment.

1. Red Grave City

The city of Red Grave is a reference to Tony Redgrave, who is another name for Dante in the anime and light novels. In a note in the gallery menu, this element reintroduces authenticity, explaining that Dante took the name from the town of Red Grave as his hometown.

The name Tony Redgrave itself refers to Capcom’s past, because that’s why Dante’s real name came back when developing Resident Evil 4.

2. The .45 Caliber Virtuoso

In the story, Nico constantly involves Nell Goldstein, who is his grandmother and a legendary weapon expert. Often known as the .45 Caliber Virtuoso, Nell is originally from the light novel Devil May Cry.

He and Dante (named Tony at the time) are depicted in the novel as close friends. Demon hunters would often stop at Nell’s shop to buy new weapons, as well as in their free time.

But during work, Dante would often destroy his gun, so Nell decided to assemble an indestructible weapon for Dante. The weapon is in the form of a pair of pistols named Ebony & Ivory, to solve the problem of his disappointment.

After Devil May Cry 3 was released, the details of the game’s story ended up contradicting the events in the light novel, and were consequently omitted from the original story. However, JD Morrison’s letter to Nero in DMC 5 brings back novel elements to the original story, including Nell Goldstein.

3. JD Morrison and Patty Lowell

Speaking of JD Morrison, he’s from Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, a small 12-episode that resurfaced in 2007, the anime originally takes place after Devil May Cy 1, and introduces Morrison as Dante’s agent, giving him a job offer, though JD Morrison has a much different look in his game.

Another character introduced from the anime is Patty Lowell, a young girl who was taken care of by Dante and lived in the Devil May Cry shop for a long time. She casts her voice on DMC 5, calls Dante to be invited to an 18th birthday party.

4. Nico’s father

Nico’s father is mentioned several times in DMC 5, but it is not clear who the father is. But if you look in the gallery, you will find some notes that point to his identity. The profile that Nico wrote on Dark Knight Sparda mentions that his father is from Fortuna, which is the main place in DMC4.

In addition, the Red Queen’s weapon reported the condition that Nico’s father designed it. If there was anyone from the previous game who was best suited to be the father based on those clues, then it would be Agnus, the scientist obsessed with DMC 4.

This is in line with confirmed details about Nico’s father from the start, who was said to have been killed by Dante. And gave Nico. And considering Nico’s disdain for his father, it made perfect sense that his father was Agnus.

5. Motorcycle Action

The Cavaliere seems to be a reversal of the series involving motorcycles in action scenes, particularly in DMC1 and DMC3. This chainsaw motorbike was obtained after defeating Cavaliere Angelo, who was the boss that Trish was trapped in.

Getting Cavaliere after this fight matched Trish’s involvement in motorcycles, she crashes into Dante’s office in DMC1.

6. Familiar

In case you didn’t notice, V’s familiars Shadow, Griffon, and Nightmare, are a direct reference to the DMC1 boss of the same name. In fact, many of his attacks and animations are the same as those of the boss.

For example, Shadow Bayonet’s attacks are very similar to DMC1’s opening boss fight. You’ll find a lot of them in mission 18, which features several DMC1-like battles, including the theme of the return of the boss and some dialogue events on Mallet Island.

7. Riding a Rocket

Punchline Devil Breaker has added a move that lets you ride it like a skateboard, which is very satisfying to use.

This isn’t the first time the DMC protagonist has used hidden rockets, the second mission cutscene in DMC3 shows Dante doing the same after fighting Boss Cerberus. The ability to ride the Punchline is a behavior that seems to be taken from the cutscene.

8. Dr. Faust and Dante

Devil Arm Dr. Faust is taken from Faust, a veiled demon who wears a hat in DMC4. When you get this gun from Nico, you’ll witness a fun scene where Dante dances like Michael Jackson while spotlights flicker and firecrackers light up on the ground. This scene seems like a compliment to DMC4 against the boss.

9. Mega Buster

If you buy the Deluxe Edition, you will find that Nero gets a Devil Breaker which is similar to Mega Man’s buster arm. Besides being able to fire buster shots with various charges, using it also changes Nero’s animation.

When you jump, Nero puts his hands out like Mega Man does when he jumps, but his mouth doesn’t open when he jumps. Also, dodging left or right causes nero to slide like Mega Man did.

This animation change is in some ways helpful, as it increases Nero’s dodging speed, making it easier to dodge enemy attacks.

10. Roses

Dante has a mocking move that is a homage to the string sexual innuendo he made after defeating Berial in DMC4. Usually this is triggered when you get an S rank. You will know you have succeeded when he throws a rose and says: “And you are set free”.

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