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The Strongest Combo Magic Chess Mobile Legends September 2022

Author: Afnur Salim

Regarding the Moba Game – Hello Sappo, this time we will discuss the strongest Combo Magic Chess update after the August 181.1 Update. After a long time of being troubled by Lunox with his Damage Skill that is too Over Powerful, finally in this Update Lunox experienced a fairly severe Nerf, which previously Lunox had Damage Skill: 500/900/1,600 now to 350/650/950 and there are several Heroes and Synergies that get Nerf and Buff by moonton, here’s the full picture:



After the update, now the Combo with Lunox as the main core is not as strong as it used to be, but it is still strong enough when used to Push Rank Magic Chess.

Also Read: 3 Strongest Commander Magic Chess

In this update, we have compiled a list of combos that are strong and very suitable for Push Rank, along with a full explanation:

The Strongest Combo Magic Chess Mobile Legends

1. Combo (6 Mech Era + 6 Gunner + 3 Northern Vale + 3 Weapon Master)

In the latest update, Mech Era is a very strong Combo where Beatrix will be the main Core in this Combo.

Hero Recommendations

The heroes you need to collect are: Beatrix, Lesley, Layla, Claude, Gatotkaca, Saber, Hayabusa, Franco, Freya and Aurora. At the time of the match you condition it with the Blessing you get to complete this Combo.

Recommended Items

Because Beatrix will be the main Core, it’s great if you get items: Immortal, Starfall Blade and Haas’s Claws.

The main item of this Combo is the Starfall Blade, when you use this item, almost all opposing Heroes will become 1 Star and of course it will make it easier for you to win.

Play Tips

The right position for Beatrix

The key in playing this Combo is, you have to position Beatrix in the second row so that Beatrix uses a Machine Gun weapon that makes enemy heroes unable to fill in where to use their skills.

Combos that are suitable for fighting

This combo is perfect for fighting Mana-dependent Combos, such as: Mage, Elementalist and Astro Power.

This Combo Counter

Because this Combo aims to prevent the enemy from being able to fill Mana, so this Combo’s natural counter is Combos that do not require Mana at all, such as: Weapon Master and Marksman.

2. Combo (6 Kadia Reverland + 6 Archer + 3 Guardian)

This update, WanWan and Zilong get a Buff, this makes this Combo very strong for Push Rank. With this combo, all heroes who have high defense will be countered by this combo.

Hero Recommendations

This combo is very strong because there are quite a lot of heroes that can be used as cores, here is the list of heroes for this combo: WanWan, Zilong, Ling, Akai, Miya, Hanabi, Belerick, Grock and Luo Yi.

Recommended Items

For the items, you just need to collect Physical Attack Items, such as: Haas’s Claws, Blade Of Despair and Golden Staff.

The main item of this Combo is Haas’s Claws if you don’t activate Weapon Master.

Play Tips

To play this Combo, you need to upgrade as soon as possible to the Hero slot, because most of the heroes needed have a price of 3-5 Gold.

Combos that are suitable for fighting

This combo is very suitable for fighting Combos that have high Defense, such as: Lightborn, Guardian and Targemen.

This Combo Counter

This combo is weak against Combos that have high Burst Damage, such as: Mage and Gunner.

Also Read: The Strongest Magic Chess Combo August 2022

That was the Strongest Combo Magic Chess Mobile Legends after the Update, visit Around the Moba Game to find out the latest updates about the Mobile Legends game.

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