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How to Win When Solo Ranked in AOV

For those of you who are beginners in AOV, you should know how to play AOV for a beginner. Not only that, but you also have to know how to strengthen heroes in Arena of Valor in order to have maximum attack power again.

Well, one way to strengthen the hero is to use the skin of the hero. To be able to get a skin, you can use a voucher. You can get vouchers by charging first or another term is top-up voucher AOV.

When you do push ranked, you can do it together or in other words is a party. But you can also do push ranked in your own way. To do push ranked itself is quite scary.

You really have to be able to coordinate with friends. Besides that, there is also a way to win when solo ranked on our AOV. You must be curious right? Instead of being curious, just read this article to the end.

Guaranteed Win Continues! How to Win When Solo Ranked in AOV

Playing ranked solo is quite scary because you don't know your friends in the same team and it's difficult to coordinate when attacking the enemy or defending. However, we have a way to always win when solo ranked on AOV.

1. Using Hero OP (Overpower)

The first way to win continuously when push ranked is to use a hero who is overpowered or a hero who has greater strength than other heroes. AOV parties often make updates to heroes, whether it's increasing the ability or decreasing the ability of each existing hero.

When there is a hero being upgraded by the AOV, you should use it as much as possible. Because the hero has great attack power so that it can kill enemies so easily and you can win the match quickly.

2. Watch AOV Play Hours

Next is to always pay attention to the hours of playing AOV. The selection of playing hours when doing a solo rank push is very helpful because it can avoid us from toxic players or burdening players.

Maybe this is very rarely noticed by all players, even though the selection of hours is also very influential. Well, there is the best hour that you can use to do solo ranked pushes, which is between the morning and evening.

3. Pay attention to the Hero Composition of the Team

Next is to pay attention to the composition of the heroes used by the team. Before entering the arena of competition, of course, you are required to choose the hero that will be used later. You have to pay attention to what heroes have been used by your friends.

Do not use heroes with the same role, especially for archer and mage types. If there are 2 heroes in a team of the same type, it can cause defeat.

4. Master the entire AOV Hero Role

Next is to master all hero roles in AOV. Because you are solo ranked, then you will fight over heroes with your own friends. If you only master 1 role hero then that role hero has been used. It is possible, you will use a hero with that role.

Well, before doing solo ranked. It would be nice if you have or have mastered all the hero roles in AOV, so you can balance the composition of the heroes used by the team.

5. Always Coordinate with the Team

The last way to win continuously when push ranked is to always coordinate with the team. Playing ranked with friends, you will find it easier to coordinate both when attacking enemies and defending.

It will be different again when you do solo ranked. You will find it difficult to coordinate with friends, but here you are required to be able to coordinate so that there is no miscommunication between you and your friends.

Well, those are some ways to win when solo ranked on AOV. Hopefully, the method that we provide can help those of you who often do solo rankings to keep winning.

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