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How to Play Hero Melissa in Mobile Legends

Melissa is the latest OP Gold laner to be added to the game as it is today. His early game was decent but he really shines from mid-game when he gets one or two of his core items while in the late game, he's really strong. 

His Ultimate ability is quite strong as it is basically an anti-gank skill that not only creates a no-entry zone for the enemy but also grants decent CC by repelling the enemy as well.

Even though he is a marksman, the ultimate abilityMelissato to protect himself makes him unique from other marksmen. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to bring out the best in any hero. 

According to the gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. GuideMelissa Mobile LegendsWe covers the perfect game plan for early, mid, and late play.

Early game

At level 1, unlock Skill 2 followed by Skill 1. During the laning phase, cast Skill 1 to approach the enemy and use Skill 2 to tie them to Muddles and then poke them with basic attacks with bonus attack speed from using Skill 1. Do not engage aggressively until level 4 when Melissa unlocks his Ultimate and practice serious map awareness to detect any missing heroes that might be lurking out there for the gang. Melissa can use her Ultimate to repulse enemies if she is ganked.

Mid Game

Players have to keep a mix of aggressive and cautious mindsets as they play in this phase. Always keep an eye on the map and rotate it to assist your teammates in securing objectives such as killing turtles, stealing enemy buffs, or slithering after clearing path minions.

During team fights, look for the right opportunity to engage, and don't be shy to bring out his Ultimate to block enemies approaching him and use Skill1 again to position himself. 

With his excellent mobility and Ultimate mechanics, he plays a big role in small-scale team fights in the middle of the game. 

One of the other objectives is to take down as many outer towers as the player can in this phase. Try to secure as many objectives as possible in this phase to gain a golden advantage over your enemies.


This is the point of the game where players need to be aware of their position and timing. After getting some of her core equipment, Melissa can deal a large amount of damage to enemies she binds with Skill 2. By peeling a good tank toMelissa, he can be able to destroy enemies from the backline and his Ultimate also helps him avoid possible ganks.

Melissa can steal Lords with her very timely use of Ultimate which will make hyper enemies retreat so they miss getting to Lords using retribution. If your team is leading with most of the enemy's towers taken down, it's best to freeze the lanes so the enemy can't kill the minions for gold. 

Try split push after defeating the lord, don't let the lord be wasted. Also, in the final stages when it comes to destroying the enemy's nexus, focus on targeting the nexus instead of trying to kill the enemy if you have a minion. 

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